Holocaust Centre of NZ calls on NZ PM Ardern to press Australia on Manus refugees

November 3, 2017 by  
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The chairman of the Holocaust Centre of New Zealand wants Australia to accept NZ’s offer to accept refugees. 
Jeremy Smith said: “The Manus Island refugee situation is a devastating human rights crisis on our doorstep and we urge Prime Minister Ardern to be firm with her Australian counterpart in seeking to activate the New Zealand Government’s longstanding offer to accept at least 150 of the refugees.

The parallels with refugees fleeing the Holocaust after WW2 and the Manus Island refugees are strong: both groups were looking for a safe haven free from physical violence and intimidation, both groups were severely traumatised and both had experienced the most extreme of conditions.

Our new Prime Minister has stated she wants her Government to be characterised by ‘kindness’; in this vein, we again urge her to be very clear and strong in her compassion when she meets with Prime Minister Turnbull this weekend.

In line with UNHCR concerns, Manus Island demands the compassionate and decisive action from a nation such as New Zealand.”

The Holocaust Centre of New Zealand is in Wellington


3 Responses to “Holocaust Centre of NZ calls on NZ PM Ardern to press Australia on Manus refugees”
  1. john nemesh says:

    There has been an extensive vetting procedure for years re manus.

    Those left on manus are those we in Australia(or other countries) would not want to be within our ranks.

    If the public only knew the facts……..

    • Natasha Lee says:

      The fact is that most of the people detained on Manus Island have been found to be genuine refugees. They deserve a safe home and supportive community.

  2. Adrian Jackson says:

    The refugees in Papua New Guinea are now a matter for that nation now that the concentration camp on Manus Island is now closed. New Zealand are now free to talk to PNG to allow the remaining refugees to live in NZ if they dont want to return to their country of origin.

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