Historical record of Bar and Batmitvahs

November 27, 2014 by Ayal Tusia
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The unique and innovative B’nei Mitzvah initiative, run by Jewish Care in partnership with the Pratt Foundation, is appealing to all members of our community to send in their cherished bar/bat mitzvah photos.


Emma Boyer

Emma Boyer

The idea for a photo campaign came about from Emma Boyar, Jewish Care’s Next Generation Manager, who wants to create a celebration of B’nei Mitzvah throughout the years.

“Everyone looks back on their Bar or Bat Mitzvah with great nostalgia as they invoke warm feelings of their family, community and what this coming of age meant at the time”, says Emma. “We are appealing to the community to entrust Jewish Care Victoria with a copy of their prized photo, which will be collected and featured on all aspects of our social media and print. These simcha photos from yesteryear are sure to bring many smiles, and a few giggles.”

Jewish Care’s Facebook and Instagram pages are encouraging followers to submit their photos and engage in the conversation. Photos will be posted up regularly with a short story about the person’s bar/bat mitzvah at www.facebook.com/jewishcarevictoria.

The B’nei Mitzvah initiative is intended to connect a new generation of young Jewish people to the concept of charity and philanthropy. All funds donated through this initiative are used for Jewish Care’s social justice programs such as housing support, counselling, financial services, education and employment, mental health promotion, disability and health ageing services.

The initiative is designed for Melbourne-based students, aged 12-13, willing to donate money to Jewish Care and volunteer their time. The total amount donated in the student’s name will be matched dollar for dollar by the Pratt Foundation if the student completes five hours of volunteering with Jewish Care. This encourages both giving of one’s time as well as one’s dollars, with no minimum amount.

Sam Lipski AM ,CEO of the Pratt Foundation said, “We chose Jewish Care for the Bnei Mitzvah program not only because it does “ma’asim tovim” — good deeds — and so is a worthy recipient of  philanthropic support, but because it does those good deeds for, and on behalf of the whole community, regardless of affiliation or involvement. Which is why the initiative is open to all Bnei Mitzvah, wherever, and in whatever way they and their families choose to celebrate this special rite of passage.”

Get involved today! Share your Bar/Bat Mitzvah photo on Facebook or Instagram and use the hashtag #bneimitzvah.

For more information call Emma Boyar on 8517 5933.

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