Happy birthday, Shtiebl

July 30, 2010 by Henry Benjamin
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Sydney’s Shtiebl Shul in Bellveue Hill turns ten tomorrow.

The spiritual leader of the tiny but vibrant congregation is the charismatic and very popular Rabbi Michoel Gorourie.

Rabbi Michol Gourarie photo: Henry Benjamin

South African-born Gourarie met his wife in Morristown, New Jersey, where he was pursuing his favorite pastime…teaching. He numbered among his students a young Levi Wolff, now the spiritual leader of one Australia’s largest and most respected congregations…Sydney’s Central Synagogue.

Rabbi Gourarie spoke with J-Wire.

“We started off with Bina our learning facility about twelve years ago…started by myself and Meir Moss with the intention of running special shiurim and learning classes.

Once the Shul had become established, it became a home for Bina, too. Rabbi Ritchie Moss came home to Sydney from Israel to help us with the Shiurim and from that he established a second congregation called Nefesh. Bina has developed into a huge program with over 40 education sessions a week and serves as an education arm for both congregations. The number of participants has increased dramatically…and continues to do so. The Shtiebl is a Shul for the very orthodox in the area…but Bina has a much broader appeal. The numbers attending Bina sessions just keep growing…we have two homes in Bellevue Hill and can accommodate those who wish to learn….at tops we have around 80.

The ten years at the Shtiebl have been wonderful..we have had  wonderful congregants and it is a wonderful little Shule. It’s not just a Shule of convenience…it’s a Shul at which people can grow.

We are planning a lunch and kiddush next week to celebrate. We will probably have to move in the near future and we will have input into that process but my plans for the future are no more that to see it continue as a warm, welcoming place.”


2 Responses to “Happy birthday, Shtiebl”
  1. admin says:

    Thanks Moshe

  2. Emes says:

    Both institutions are immense boons to the Sydney kehilla and Rabbi Gourarie and his team deserve an immense “yasher koach” for their tireless contributions to promoting Yiddishkeit.

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