Guess who’s coming to dinner?
Maccabi in Sydney has overseas visitors looking for a seat at your Shabbat dinner…
With athletes coming to Australia for the Maccabi Australia International Games (MAIGS) from around the world we need to work together as a community and show our fair dinkum Aussie hospitality with a Jewish twist. On the 24th December 2010 there will be a Shabbaton. That means that after the Shule service at Central synagogue athletes will be requiring a home cooked meal with a family. You don’t need to be able to cook like Adam on Master Chef or renowned chef Neil Perry. Anyway, let’s face it nothing beats a good Jewish mother!
Why don’t you save Odile a call and register NOW. Our community shines when we work TOGETHER. It’s a fantastic experience for you and your family.
Please register your interest at [email protected] to have Jewish athlete(s) for shabbat dinner on 24th December 2010 from overseas.