Greens candidate talks about her decision not to attend Zionism Victoria co-hosted debate
Steph Hodgins-May, The Greens candidate for Melbourne Ports has created controversy by deciding not to attend a Candidates Debate because she claims she had not been advised it was being c-hosted by Zionism Victoria…she speaks to Henry Greener about her decision and The Greens policies.
PS Steph and Henry should listen to Adam Bandt’s view of Israel-Arab conflict. Bands here recalled that when he was leader, Bandt concludes by saying that Operation Protective Edge can’t be underplayed as a conflict–‘I think it was in many ways a masscare’. Says it all. How a Jew could vote Green is about as understandable as a turkey voting for Xmas. Clyp at
Talk about a soft interview! She looks nice, speaks nicely but, as somebody once said, everything she said is suspect, including the words ‘and’, ‘or’ and ‘but’ She had many opportunities to change her mind about coming to the Beth Weizmann forum but she again declined to you. Even after she knew that her allegations against Zionist Victoria were plainly false. The Greens party rejects BDS? Really, does Senator Rhiannon, the lead Greens party candidate in NSW? Was APAN, where Adam Bandt spoke, an independent organisation? (Hint, it’s a hard-line Palestinian advocacy group). She makes a big deal of being local, caring for local community issues, even though she has lived in the electorate probably not even 6 months. She is a political staffer for di Natale and stood for Ballarat last time. She refused to speak to the Jewish community when given the chance, and some, and is part of a party that gets up to the same tricks as any other, scarcely morally superior.
The Greens Party have targeted Melbourne Ports as one of six electorates in Victoria from their taxpayer funded stash from all the votes from last election. If she pulls in ahead of Michael Danby, the result will be a huge blow to the Jewish community as well as many other issues hard worked for by a very experienced and committed local politician, and the election of a Liberal who knows nothing about the electorate and little about the Jewish community in it Or even worse it might result in a Greens party candidate actually being elected in Melbourne Ports. This is serious–not a feel good exercise.
PS—-divide into teams of 2
and each team take up residence at a polling booth.
I write from Sydney, and so unfortunately do not have the ability to actually do anything but write this.
Victorians–Jews , Zionists, all people who see through the arrogance, disdain to others, and entrenched entitlement of the “Greens hierarchy—-ACTIVELY CAMPAIGN AGAINST HER !!
Do as we in Marrickville did in 2011….and it worked
Too late for corflutes…..but,
1/get 12-14 people–uni students and others who want to make a difference….
2/buy 16 white T shirts
3/make RED stickers or Blue stickers in large type that says..
4/apply stickers to front and back of T shirts
5/stand 20 metres away from the official voting area because you are not an official party,
but meet the voting public as they walk past you….
6/and shout out to all to ‘BOYCOTT ANTISEMITIC GREENS.
Keep shouting it….the Greens will try to have you evicted, but you are 100% legal, so stand your ground.
The labor and liberals will love you.
and 88% of all Australians will want to give you a medal for your fortitude.
Remember “The Greens” know how to give it, but they have glass jaws.
Anyone interested really and wants to talk to me about it,
(L not 1 or I) for lhitraot.
Good Hunting,
and save Michael Danby!
John Nemesh
Very poor interview
Henry you should have asked Steph Hodgins-May what she did in the UN and other work like you did with Tim Wilson in another video later in the studio.
Oh, Henry Greener,
You’re such a lovely man, but why, oh why, give Steph Hodgins-May so much leeway?! Be so nice to her! You can be polite but you don’t have to be charming. She’s worked for the United Nations, has she? And therefore admires it … full stop. What an unsatisfactory generalised statement in regard to the worth of the UN and democracy, and what a pitiful excuse for pulling out of the debate. It’s the word ‘Zionist’ she doesn’t like.
What chutzpah to campaign for a Jewish vote with her views and the Resolutions passed by the Greens on the Israel/Palestinian situation.
Henry please remember to move the microphone to the person you are interviewing when they speak as on two occasions what she said was lost or difficult to hear.
This video is a few days out of date in real time as it was published on-line on 28 Jun 16 a few days after the AJN Melbourne Ports forum with Danby and Guest.
I note that there are 8 candidates in Melbourne Ports but only 3 candidates were invited by the AJN and their associates.
So the Greens “oppose BDS”, yet their no. 1 Senate candidate Lee Rihannon is Australia’s loudest proponent of BDS.
They support the “marriage equality” idiocy, and have fallen for the ‘global warming’ hoax.
She didn’t turn up for the debate because ‘Zionism’ is a dirty word.
Enough said.