The Gift of Life…after 25 years
Shula Endrey-Walder has attended the Gift of Life Gala in New York to celebrate 25 years of saving lives.
In conjunction with the USA, Gift of Life Australia has recruited over 33,000 potential donors facilitating 300 stem cell transplants !
1300 supporters and volunteers witnessed three recipients meeting their donors for the first time at the event.
Sydney’s Faust family was in the audience celebrating Michael’s 10th anniversary of his blood Stem Cell transplant with his
donor, Michael from Texas joining them.
5-yr-old old Bennett met his 22-yr-old second year Medical student donor, Jill, who presented him with a large Superman figure.
Recipient Andrew met his donor, Carol and recipient Wendy Siegel was saved by her donor, Mordechai.
Wendy’s family nominated her for the Partners for Life Award, the Gift of Life’s highest honor. She helped to recruit 25 000 potential
donors and donated funds for their samples to be tested and for 30 transplants to occur.
President Barak Obama, Bill de Blasio – mayor of New York and many New York philanthropists sent letters to congratulate Jay Feinberg, the founder and CEO of Gift of Life on his own 20th anniversary of receiving a Bone Marrow transplant.
Congratulations to Shula. She has always done an amazing job.