Gaza: Ambassador Livne speaks on Gaza

August 8, 2014 by  
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Israel’s ambassador to New Zealand Yosef Livne has a video message on the Israel-Gaza conflict…





One Response to “Gaza: Ambassador Livne speaks on Gaza”
  1. Richard-Rafael Joachim says:

    Thank you Mr Ambassador Livne for your clear and unambiguious briefing to the peoples of Australasia concerning the ‘Gaza Opetaion’. You are a light to the Nations and you speak from the heart and with truth, something in short supply in the ‘diplomacy game; and we are honoured to have you ss Israel’s representative here.
    My only sadness is that our, Australian ans New Zealand, governments cannot translate words into deeds and have ANZAC soldiers standing side by side with the IDF in Gaza. We talk about fighting terrorism but it is actually only Israel who are taking the fight to the terrorists. Thank you IDF and people of Israel for protecting us, and thank G-D for Israel.

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