Fund head criticises Anne Frank case probe
The head of a foundation set up by Anne Frank’s father has criticised an investigation into her betrayal to the Nazis that named a Jewish notary as a leading suspect, saying it’s “full of errors” and offers no proof, a Swiss newspaper reports.

Anne Frank Credit: Collectie Anne Frank Stichting Amsterdam.
Anne and seven other Jews were discovered by the Nazis on August 4, 1944, after hiding for nearly two years in a secret annex above a canal-side warehouse in Amsterdam.
All were deported and Anne died in the Bergen Belsen camp at the age of 15. Her now-famous diary was later published by her father, Otto Frank.
A team including retired US FBI agent Vincent Pankoke and about 20 historians, criminologists and data specialists last week identified a relatively unknown figure, Jewish notary Arnold van den Bergh, as a leading suspect in revealing the hideout.
A book detailing the findings was published on Tuesday.
“It contributes not to uncovering the truth but to confusion and in addition it is full of errors,” John Goldsmith, president of the Basel-based Anne Frank Fund set up by Otto Frank, told Swiss newspaper Blick am Sonntag in an interview.
Some experts have emphasised the evidence against van den Bergh is not conclusive.
Goldsmith said the team of researchers, which he called a commercial rather than academic undertaking, had not provided proof supporting their assertion.
“This proof just has not been produced. Simply to disseminate an assertion that then in the public discussion becomes a kind of fact borders on a conspiracy theory,” Goldsmith said.
“Now the main statement is: a Jew betrayed Jews. That stays in the memory and it is unsettling.”
As a Dutch born Holocaust survivor I am amazed why millions of dollars were spent on an investigation which was NEVER going to give us a definitive answer. Anne like the majority of 107,000 other Dutch Jews, including myself, were betrayed by either the Dutch Bureaucracy, Dutch Police or Dutch Neighbours. some were picked up in random street Razias This investigation could only come up with -‘Maybe – it was a solicitor who knew them’. What a waste of money and what an insult to the few hundred Dutch Holocaust survivors, who are still alive. Lets not forget only 5000 Dutch Jews survived! Per head of population the lowest number of survival in any western European country. If you are going to waste millions of dollars why not spent it on investigating which Dutchmen/women were responsible for the murder of 102,000 Dutch Jews. Anne should be remembered and her Legacy should be – A Young Dutch girl who wrote a beautiful diary/book, read by millions. Unfortunately Anne Frank has become a money making product.