The Full Monte
Sydney’s aged care Montefiore Home’s Hunter’s Hill will be filled to capacity on Sunday as concerned members of the community await the fate of incumbent president David Freeman.
Once again he has been the subject of strong criticism for maintaining his position as president for longer than many community members see fit.
This year nursing home operator Jonathan Shteinman is standing for election as president of the Monte…a jewel in the crown of the Sydney community. His team includes well-known and respected philanthropist Richard Scheinberg who is standing for the position of vice-president and former board member Gaby Berger.
The incumbent board issued a circular to its members in a bid to stave off the challenge in which the board was very open and personal in its assessment of those seek to join it.
Monte members have written to J-Wire complaining that they have to be in attendance at Sunday’s meeting on order to vote and there is no proxy facility open to them.
J-Wire believes that every organisation should have a proxy system in place and that no one member should be allowed to hold more than a few proxies.
In the meantime, the group organising the challenge has organised buses to transport Monte members from the Eastern Suburbs to the Hunter’s Hill campus…including light refreshments.
David Freeman has been president of the highly acclaimed award-winning facility for over ten years.
He has expressed concern that the challengers for both the presidency and the vice-presidency have not had a presence on the board.
Media reports have whipped the situation to an almost frenzy level and a huge number Sydney Jewish community await the outcome of what has been a major talking-point for weeks.