Forum on Anne Frank

June 11, 2015 by J-Wire Staff
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A forum will discuss intolerance in 2015 ahead of a performance of the play “The Diary of Anne Frank” at Sydney’s New Theatre.


1.lack of tolerance; unwillingness or refusal to tolerate or respect opinions or beliefs contrary to one’s own.

2.unwillingness or refusal to tolerate or respect persons of a different social group, especially members of a minority group.

“Why oh why can’t people live together peacefully?”

Thus wrote 13yo Anne Frank in her diary in 1942, having spent nearly two years hiding with her family from Nazi persecution.

Her question has inspired New Theatre to present a forum around the subject of INTOLERANCE, in association with our production of THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK.

We are witnessing a push towards a ‘Neo-Jingoism’ and a government which seems determined to divide and conquer our society by demonising ‘the other’ – as defined by ethnicity, religion, sexuality or economic status.

An invited panel of representatives from Sydney’s Jewish, Muslim, LGBTI, Indigenous and disabled communities will debate the issues within the context of Australia, 2015.

Moderated by cast member (and journalist) Martin Portus. Q&A with the audience to follow.

Free entry. All welcome.

The performance of THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK follows at 5pm. Tickets available at

Intolerance Forum   

    21 June at 3pm (before the 5pm performance of The Diary of Anne Frank)

    New Theatre – 542 King Street, Newtown, New South Wales 2042




One Response to “Forum on Anne Frank”
  1. Rita L. says:

    We are witnessing a push towards a ‘Neo-Jingoism’ and a government which seems determined to divide and conquer our society by demonising ‘the other’ – as defined by ethnicity, religion, sexuality or economic status.

    This^^^ kind of condescending and DIVIDING, obviously anti-conservative whine tells me enough to stay right away from that forum. Pity, I would have liked to see the play, but not after having been exposed to this group think, which seems to want to emulate the irritating Q & A of the ABC. ‘

    And no (because I am sure this will be one of the faux premises of that “panel”: I do not believe that Muslims are the new Jews ! Jews are the new Jews, and the globally increasingly violent Jew Hatred is islamically driven. (It’s in the Koran).

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