First production a sell-out

December 12, 2017 by Community newsdesk
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Sydney’s Yeshiva College Girls School presented “In The Merit”- a musical  of the righteous women in Egypt .


A sold out crowd of 130 attended the matinee performance performed by 25 girls.

The musical production tells the story of the women in Egypt just before the exodus. It follows Shifra and Puah as they support their community, encourage everyone to have their tambourines ready, and lead their friends in celebratory dance. Everyone left uplifted and inspired, with a tambourine to have ready for when we can all join in celebratory dance with the revelation of Moshiach. Original lyrics were performed to Chabad Niggunim/Melodies

Rabbi Dr Dovid Slavin said: “This is a significant achievement for  a small school and we are very proud of our staff and students

This is a time that being a small school also  has an advantage – we were able to give every single girl a part to play – we thank Moriah college for the use of the Hall and Mr Harry Triguboff for his ongoing support.”




One Response to “First production a sell-out”
  1. Aidel Bloom says:

    I was fortunate enough to attend this amazing concert. It was truly wonderful and inspiring. The girls performed so well. Kol Hakavod to all those involved with the production.

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