Eylon Levy urges global action against Hamas

September 4, 2024 by Rob Klein
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Eylon Levy, a former spokesman for the Israeli government, delivered a powerful address to a full house on Tuesday evening at Sydney’s Central Synagogue for the JNF NSW Annual Event.

Eylon Levy

Levy spoke of the challenges facing Israel with an ongoing war on multiple fronts and the distress of the ongoing hostage crisis. He began by acknowledging the recent tragic execution of six hostages by Hamas, offering the poignant words: “May their memories be a blessing, but may God avenge their blood.”

At a packed Central Synagogue, Levy reviewed the months since October 7, and highlighted a joint statement issued two months into the war by the Prime Ministers of Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. The leaders unequivocally condemned Hamas’ terror attacks, demanding an end to the group’s use of Palestinian civilians as human shields. “They called for a sustainable ceasefire, but stressed this cannot be one-sided,” Levy said. “Hamas must lay down its arms. They also made it clear that Hamas should play no role in the future governance of Gaza.” In that statement, Australia also sought the complete dismantling of Hamas.

Levy then directed a question to Australia’s leaders: “What changed? Why are you now calling for a ceasefire? Do you believe that a ceasefire can be sustainable while Hamas remains armed and dangerous? Why is there now, all of a sudden, talk of a role for Hamas in the future governance of Gaza?”

He stressed the global responsibility to put pressure on Hamas and its supporters to release the hostages. “Hamas kidnapped children and is holding them for ransom. It is not the world’s job to pressure Israel to pay whatever ransom it may choose; it is the world’s job to reduce that ransom and to help Israel pursue the kidnappers to the ends of the earth.”

Levy described the enormous threat of global war on Israel being fought on 7 fronts, including attacks from Iran, Hezbollah, the Houthis, as well Palestinian terror groups. In addition, he spoke of global antisemitism, often pretending to be “anti-Zionism” as an “8th front” facing Israel.

Levy criticized the UK for suspending some arms sales to Israel and for funding a Hamas front, UNWRA, which produced many of the terrorists involved in the October 7 massacre.

Levy also praised the Australian Jewish community for their steadfast solidarity. “Australia is witnessing its own great diaspora awakening,” he remarked, noting how the community is “punching above its weight” in support of Israel. He urged them to continue standing up for Israel and fighting against antisemitism, noting that the Hebrew word “oz” means strength. “When you stand up for Israel’s defence, when you speak out for the hostages, when you embark on solidarity missions—you Australian Jews give us ‘oz’ and bring so much ‘oz’ back to Israel.”

Reflecting on the October 7th massacre, Levy described it as “the opening shot, not only of Hamas’ invasion, not only of Iran’s regional war on seven fronts, but also of a global war on the Jews.” He criticised the international community for its lukewarm support of Israel’s efforts to dismantle the Hamas terror regime, reiterating: “Why is there suddenly a role for Hamas in Gaza’s future governance?”

Levy also stressed the importance of rebuilding Israel’s southern region, a key focus of the JNF campaign. The area was devastated by the October 7th attack. “This is not just about rebuilding homes,” he explained, “it’s about creating communities where people will want to live. The south needs to be transformed into a magnet—a desirable, vibrant place—or else we risk losing it.”

In closing, Levy called on the global Jewish diaspora to continue its unwavering support for Israel, paraphrasing a well-known song: “We are one, but we are many, and from all the lands on Earth we come. We share a 2,000-year-old dream and sing with one voice, though with many opinions. I am, you are, we are one. Am Yisrael Chai.”



One Response to “Eylon Levy urges global action against Hamas”
  1. Dalia Ayalon Sinclair says:

    Indeed an excellent speech however there is aneed to also address the rebuilding communities and cities in the north which are still suffering the daily attacks.

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