The Zionist Federation of Australia


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The Zionist Federation of Australia (ZFA) is the federal roof body of all Zionist organisations and activity in Australia, responsible for developing, enriching and supporting a meaningful relationship between the Australian Jewish community and the State of Israel.

Founded in Melbourne in 1927, by personalities such as Sir John Monash and Rabbi I. Brodie, the ZFA has grown to become one of the most active Zionist Federations across the globe and continues to be a relevant, active and central address for all Zionist activity throughout Australia.

The ZFA believes in the centrality of Israel as a determining factor in the creation and maintenance of Jewish identity. As such, the ZFA facilitates a series of annual activities and initiatives – be they cultural, educational or political – that are designed to strengthen personal ties and affiliations with the ever-evolving innovation that is Israel.

Furthermore, the ZFA is in regular consultation with the Australian and Israeli governments, is represented on a number of international Jewish and Zionist bodies, and is the Australian representative of the Jewish Agency For Israel (JAFI) and the World Zionist Organisation (WZO).

The ZFA proudly supports and endorses the Jerusalem Program, as accepted at the 27th World Zionist Congress in 1968 (following the 1967 Six Day War) and as updated in 2004:



Swimming the Kinneret for children with cancer

May 21, 2015 by  

Yigal Sela, who heads the  Israel office of the Zionist Federation of Australia, will swim the entire length of the Kinneret to raise funds for cancer research. [Read more]

Is anti-Zionism antisemitism?

August 18, 2014 by  

200 members of the Melbourne community have attended a  panel discussion on – “Is Anti-Zionism Anti-Semitism?” [Read more]

Liberman not scheduled to visit Australia

August 17, 2014 by  

A Jewish newspaper published an “exclusive” report that Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman was “set for an Oz Tour” later this month.  J-Wire can confirm he is not. [Read more]

Iran: ZFA makes a statement

November 27, 2013 by  

Philip Chester, the president of the Zionist Federation of Australia, has expressed his concern about the latest deal impacting on Iran’s nuclear program. [Read more]

Jerusalem Prize for Julia

November 27, 2013 by  

Former Prime Minister of Australia Julia Gillard has been awarded the 2013 Jerusalem Prize. [Read more]

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