Giving Blood to Save Lives at Beth Weizmann

September 6, 2016 by  

An urgent blood testing held recently at Beth Weizmann Community Centre to help find donors for four Jewish leukaemia patients including a baby in critical need of non-relative blood stem cell matches. [Read more]

A miraculous match

June 16, 2015 by  

A Melbourne leukaemia patient has met the  Sydney donor whose stem cells have saved his life…and both men were originally from South Africa. [Read more]

The Gift of Life joins a fight for life

January 15, 2013 by  

Gift of Life Australia has received an urgent and desperate plea to help save the life of a Jewish Mum,wife and grandmother in London in need of matching stem cell transfusion to save her life . [Read more]

Can you save this baby’s life?

November 13, 2012 by  

Baby Boaz is 4½ months old and unless a stem cell match is found for him soon his tiny life may well end before his first birthday. [Read more]

A cry from the heart

October 6, 2012 by  

Shai Chaim is a Melbourne child facing whose only chance of life depends on a blood stem cell of bone marrow transfusion. The Gift of Life is maximising its efforts to find a match following a plea from the child’s uncle… [Read more]

Gift of Life at work

July 24, 2012 by  

Three men linked to each other through the Gift of Life donor program have met Australian program organiser Shula Endrey-Walder in New York. [Read more]

Wednesday, March 26, 2025