ECAJ asks the government to block Leila Khaled’s appearance in Australia

February 27, 2024 by J-Wire Newsdesk
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The Executive Council of Australian Jewry has written to the three government ministers to prevent a known terrorist from attending a conference in Australia, either in person or virtually.

Bethlehem wall with graffiti depicting Leila Khaled. Photo taken from the bus window near wall gate to Bethlehem on 2012

Leila Khaled was the first woman to hijack a commercial plane, one of the Black September team who took over TWA flight 840 in 1969.

The plane was en route from Rome to Tel Aviv when Khaled and another terrorist forced it to divert to Damascus. There were no fatalities but two passengers were held hostage for two months,

The ECAJ has pointed out that Khaled remains today as a member of the national committee of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

Her appearance, either in person or virtual, has been advertised by the Green Left and Socialist Alliance for a conference in Perth from Friday, June 28 to Sunday, June 30

ECAJ wrote: “If she is to appear in person, she would need to apply for a visitor’s visa. Given her criminal record as a terrorist and her ongoing involvement with a sanctioned organisation, namely the PFLP, we submit that in accordance with ss.501(3) of the Migration Act 1958 (Cth) it is reasonable to suspect that she does not pass the character test, as defined in ss.501(6), and that refusing her a visa would be in the national interest.

For the same reasons, we submit that Ms Khaled should also not be permitted to appear virtually if that is the intention of the organisers. Given her criminal background and current associations, her appearance, actual or virtual, would be likely to have the effect of inciting, promoting or advocating terrorism to an Australian audience, to aggravate current social divisions and thus cause damage to social cohesion.”

The letter, signed by President Daniel Aghion and co-CEOs Peter Wertheim and Alex Ryvchin, was sent to Attorney General Mark Dreyfus, Minister for Home Affairs Clare O’Neil and Minister for Immigration Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs, Andrew Giles



One Response to “ECAJ asks the government to block Leila Khaled’s appearance in Australia”
  1. liatjoy says:

    Absolutely. No way should this woman be preaching her agenda to an Australian audience. It would be a slap in the face to the Jewish communities of Australia to allow it. Just for once, could the government get it right with this one.

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