Dutch parliament approves action against EU ruling on Israeli product labels

November 22, 2019 by JNS
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The Dutch parliament has passed a motion objecting to last week’s ruling by the European Court of Justice requiring products coming from the West Bank, eastern Jerusalem and the Golan Heights not to be labelled “made in Israel.”

The Dutch parliament building. Credit: Michiel Jelijs/Flickr.

The motion, which deemed the ruling as unfair and discriminatory towards Israel, passed by a tally of 82-68.

The vote was largely symbolic, as it doesn’t require the government to act.

In the ruling, the ECJ said, “Israel is present in the territories concerned as an occupying power and not as a sovereign entity.”

The decision stemmed from a case brought by Israeli wine producer and exporter Psagot Winery Ltd., along with the Lawfare Project.

The Lawfare Project said the decision by the European Union high court not only “supports derogatory French-labeling requirements imposed on Israeli products, but it also mandates similar requirements throughout the E.U.”


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