Diplomatic freeze between New Zealand and Israel seen as a “blemish” on World Stage
The diplomatic freeze between New Zealand and Israel is being labeled a “blemish” on New Zealand’s reputation internationally.

Dr David Cumin
The United Nations resolution 2344 condemned Israeli settlements in Palestine and was co-sponsored – and supported by New Zealand and three other countries at the UN last December.
Israel withdrew their Ambassador to New Zealand and barred the New Zealand ambassador in Israel.
The National Party’s Prime Minister at that time, Bill English, was the catalyst in restoring diplomatic relations between New Zealand and Israel. Mr English wrote to Israel and expressed regret over the fallout from the resolution.
A report from 24 international law experts indicates that the resolution “fell short of an open, balanced, and thorough consideration of all the relevant factual and legal issues which resulted in legal findings that did not adequately take into account the legal, historical, political and military complexities of these territories and peoples”.
The law experts met at the Peace Palace at The Hague in June this year at the invitation of The Hague initiative for International Cooperation (Thinc) and the International Conference for Truth, Justice, and Peace (ICTIP). The report that condemns New Zealand’s decision was released at the end of October.
Israel Institute of New Zealand director David Cumin said today the UN resolution was indeed a “blemish” on New Zealand’s reputation as an honest broker in international politics.
“This is an embarrassing look for us on the world stage.
The report makes clear that UNSC Resolution 2334 was a politicisation of United Nations processes to attack the Jewish State.
International law experts have given their considered opinion that clearly shows how biased and improper the resolution was.” says Mr Cumin.
Stupid question as no one mentioned it. Was it amended? Has a written apology been sent to Israel and did UN respond also in this area regarding UN resolution 2344?
What is even a bigger blemish is the continuing refusal of the NZ Government to distance themselves from this resolution. The new Foreign Minister, touted as a “friend” of Israel is notably silent on the matter. Some plain language on his part apologising for NZ’s sponshorship would be a start.
Another question: does anyone know if NZ sent a representative to the 70th. anniversary meeting in NY comemorating the 1947 UN resolution?