Dialogue and friendship core values for Abrahamic Council relaunch

April 16, 2015 by Keren Cook
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The Christian and Jewish communities have expanded to included Muslims in an effort to foster dialogue and friendship.

Dave Moskowitz

Dave Moskovitz

The Wellington based religious group celebrated its relaunch as the Wellington Abrahamic Council of Jews, Christians and Muslims at Parliament this week.

Dave Moskovitz, Jewish Co-Chair, of the Wellington Abrahamic Council says: “Recent geo-political events as well as the rapid growth in the Muslim community here in Wellington and in New Zealand prompted us to think ‘wouldn’t’ it be great to have a Muslim voice in the conversation that is already going on between Christians and Jews because we have so much in common,” Mr Moskovitz said.

It could be a world first for three religions to join one group.

Council Christian co-chair Reverend Jenny Chalmers says, “its an extremely important step and is one of the first in the world”.

Federation of Islamic Associations chief executive Sultan Eusoff, who is the council’s Muslim co-chair says the Wellington Muslim community is “delighted to be part of the council”. Sultan Eusoff hopes the group will inspire dialogue and friendship.

The New Zealand Jewish Council has noted the change of name and the involvement of the Muslim community in Wellington in the organization.

The New Zealand Jewish Council is in favour of any organisation which increases understanding and communication and which leads to more communication and involvement between various communities.

The Council is supportive of the Wellington committees right to change its name as it sees fit.

Geoff Levy, Chairman of the New Zealand Jewish Council says, “the use of the term Abrahamic is entirely appropriate.”




4 Responses to “Dialogue and friendship core values for Abrahamic Council relaunch”
  1. Eleonora Mostert says:

    Question for Federation of Islamic Associations chief executive Sultan Eusoff. Does he preach to his people and government to stop terrorism against those who are not Muslim and does he also preach against the annihilation of the Jewish people and their country Israel? Watching General Assembly of UN and other such meetings I always here that it is not negotiable they will not stop, ever, to eradicate Israel off the map of the world. Lately I have heard from the mouths of “Christian Muslims” who seem totally confused, (you can’t be both) and now hear of some calling themselves Muslim Jews. I believe it is just another way for them to get a foothold into the inner circle of the Jewish people. Actions talk louder than words, in this case the pen is not mightier that the sword, when I hear their leaders not only condemn those who do these act but imprison them, I just may start listening to them. Instead all I hear is how they worship them as heroes. You can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time.

  2. Rami Reed says:

    Delusional! Islam is Islam. There is no such concept “Moderate Islam”

  3. David Adler says:

    Perhaps they can discuss Quran Surah 98.6 that “The unbelievers (non-Muslims) amongst the People of the Book (Jews and Christians) and the Pagans shall burn in the hell fires forever. These are the vilest of all creatures.”

  4. Gil Solomon says:

    Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey made a clear and precise comment which liberal Jews will simply not take seriously.

    Commenting on the term “moderate Islam” he said: “These descriptions are very ugly, it is an offence and an insult to our religion. There is no moderate or immoderate Islam. Islam is Islam and that’s it.”

    If that doesn’t set off alarm bells and jolt people into reality then I don’t know what will. Those who think they can, in a conference room sharing tea and a falafel, change this reality are deluded.

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