Debating Partition

November 12, 2012 by Dalia Ayalon Sinclair.
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Human Rights activists and Israel Advocacy experts will debate the topic “The Partition Plan – The Great Divide” which will be the key feature of NSW NCJWA’s Celebrating Israel 2012 event as we mark the 65th Anniversary of the adoption of the Partition Plan (resolution 181) by United Nations General Assembly, on 29 November 1947.

This resolution recognised the legitimate right of the Jewish people to live in their historical homeland, and called for the establishment of a Jewish State alongside an Arab State in British Mandate Palestine which led to the establishment of the State of Israel.

Since that defining moment in the history of the Jewish people many countries in the region have not yet accepted Israel’s right to exist. This resulted in 65 years of wars and continued attacks on Israel, the loss of the lives of tens of thousands on both sides of the conflict. Israel strongly supports the ‘two states for two people’ solution that could only be achieved through negotiations.

Eleanor Hall, an international journalist and presenter of the ABC’s daily news hour The World Today, will lead the debate by a panel of experts who will analyse the historical accounts relating to the Partition Plan and its relevance today. The public will be invited to present their Questions prior and during the event.

The Panel of experts are Vic Alhadeff, NSW Jewish Board of Deputies Chief Executive Officer and an established journalist and author, and Ron Weiser AM, ZC NSW Hon. Life President, and a committee member of the Board of Governors at the World Jewish Agency. Both are well known Israel advocates who implemented education programs for youth and adults interaction whether in Australia or Israel and are experts on Australia -Israel relations.

Dr. Patricia Jenkings, is a Human Rights Advocate and serves as the Deputy Chair at UN Women Australia. Dr. Jenkings is a former political adviser for the Evatt Foundation and former Policy Advisor of NSW Government. Dr. Jenkings strongly supports ‘humanitarian mateship’ – the practice of goodwill, aiding one’s neighbours and working in partnership as means to help and build a more democratic and harmonious world environment where human rights are respected.

Prof Natalie Klein, Dean of Macquarie University Law School, is an expert on the law of the sea and international dispute settlement and published books on the topic. She served as a consultant in the Office of Legal Affairs at the United Nations.

Organised by the National Council of Jewish Women of Australia, NSW Division, and joined by the ZCNSW and the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies, the event will also feature songs by Martin Yafe and Sarit Michael. Celebrating Israel 2012 is held on Thursday 29 November, 7.30pm at Council House, Woollahra


2 Responses to “Debating Partition”
  1. Ben says:

    Blatant lie at the very beginning. The Arab League resolution is ten years old. Israel has rejected it because it does not wish to stop expanson of settlements.

    • Norman says:

      Not quite exact Ben, the Palestinians did not accept the Arab league resolution either. All agreements with the pPlestinians call for a negotiated settlement of the dispute. The Palestinians also refuse todo th at. Security council 242 only calls for Israel to return land (but not all the land) captured in 1967 and calls for secure borders for Israel

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