Cyprys to fight charges
At the adjourned Directions Hearing in Melbourne’s County Court today Judge Sue Pullen set the date for the trial of David Cyprys who will face 41 charges brought by 12 alleged victims of sexual abuse.
A Final Directions Hearing on May 11, 2013 with the trial set down to begin on July 29 next year.
The alleged offences are said to have taken place at the Melbourne Yeshivah.
Alleged victim Manny Waks told J-Wire: “I intend to continue leading this ongoing campaign to uncover the extent of the ongoing child sexual abuse that has occurred over many years under the auspices of the Yeshivah Centre. There are still a number of perpetrators who are yet to face justice and many victims who are still suffering. We need to facilitate an awareness campaign about critical issue so that the wrongs of the past are never repeated and that those who are responsible for past wrongs are held to full account. Importantly, the Yeshivah Centre must change its attitude and actions.”
Manny, going by my past comments, you know how relieved I am that you have the full support of your community and their transparency.
I still shudder at what the maiority of Catholics have had to endure over the years, and I’m afraid this Parliamentary Inquiry called for, will not be able to adequately deal with it.
How would Mr Baillieu ever truly be able to see through the grandiosity of this particular instituional church, with it’s political, legal and civil prowess and pugnacity.
The angels themselves would fear going where they tread.