Crusader to ban swastikas in NSW refused domestic security improvements by NSW government
NSW Shadow Minister for Police and Counter Terrorism Walt Secord said he was disappointed by the Premier’s department’s rejection of his request for improved security at his home.

Walt Secord and his wife Julia
However, Mr Secord said he was optimistic that the Premier’s department and that the Counter Terrorism Minister were looking at improving security for all parliamentarians – and they would be making announcements shortly.
This was after three incidents which Mr Secord believes may be linked his statements against neo-Nazi and anti-COVID lockdown protesters – as well as his ongoing opposition to extremist groups.
Earlier this month, he introduced legislation into the State Parliament to ban the Nazi swastika.
Walt Secord is Jewish and is also the deputy chair of the NSW Parliamentary Friends of Israel had written to the Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC) twice since late August after the vandalism occurred on three separate occasions between late August and mid-September.
Mr Secord initially wrote to the Premier’s Department on September 20 and finally received a response on Saturday afternoon on the weekend. The reply said the State Government did not provide assistance to Shadow Ministers. This was after a Sunday Telegraph journalist made an inquiry to the State Government about the protracted delays in responding.
However, Mr Secord praised the professional and diligent response from the NSW Police and the Jewish Communal Security Group, saying they were prompt and the police conducted a full audit. “The NSW Police couldn’t have been more professional; they were sensitive and across the issues,” Mr Secord said.
In his original September 20th letter to the Premier’s department, Mr Secord – who worked as a chief-of-staff to former premier Kristina Keneally before entering parliament – revealed his home had been the subject of a police security assessment, which had resulted in seven recommendations.
“I am writing to seek advice and assistance on what provisions or measures are available to assist with personal security for shadow ministers related to their parliamentary activity,” Mr Secord wrote.
I am aware from my experience in 2010 as a Chief of Staff to the Premier that security upgrades were provided to Members of Parliament who had been harassed and the subject of antisemitic incidents.
I have had my vehicle’s tyres vandalised twice and my wife’s vehicle’s tyre vandalised once.
That said, we need to be vigilant due to the recent high profile attacks on parliamentarians overseas.”
Mr Secord said he had informed the department that the second incident meant it was unlikely a coincidence, with the same types of screws used in every incident.
Mr Secord has been speaking out in parliament about neo-Nazi extremists, and also recently put forward legislation to ban the display the display of the Nazi flag and swastika.
“As Shadow Minister for Counter Terrorism, I have spoken out against the anti-lock down protestors; against Hizb ut-Tahrir in Australia and the Taliban; neo-Nazis; and other far right-wing groups as well as Islamic fundamentalists,” Mr Secord said.
NSW Police recently gave evidence in a State parliamentary hearing about how right-wing extremists occupied about 20 per cent of counter-terrorism efforts. They also said that there were about 1000 people under surveillance in the four tiers of concern. Most were far-Right and religious extremists.
Mr Secord added that some of the abusive emails sent to his office had been forensically traced to an American server.
“Overall, I have to admit that I am quite pissed off. Every morning, I now check our cars before driving away,” Mr Secord added.
It’s getting as bad as the New York mafia of old……