ECAJ praises Parliament

June 28, 2012 by  
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The Executive Council of Australian Jewry President, Dr Danny Lamm, and Executive Director, Peter Wertheim, have hailed a resolution by Australia’s House of Representatives calling on the International Olympic Committee to observe a minute’s silence to remember the 11 Israeli athletes who were murdered by Palestinian terrorists at the Munich Games in 1972.  The resolution was passed on Tuesday with bipartisan support. 

“The Australian people, through their parliamentary representatives, have demanded that the International Olympic Committee (IOC) do the proper and decent thing to respect the memory of athletes who were shockingly murdered at an Olympic Games, and to bring some measure of comfort to their still-grieving loved ones,” Wertheim said.   “Other Parliaments in the United Kingdom, Canada, Israel, Germany and the United States Congress, have passed similar resolutions.”

Wertheim slammed the IOC for having previously rejected the idea of observing a minute’s silence for the slain athletes.  “The members of the IOC should not be under any illusion that they are a law unto themselves.  The whole world is watching the way they handle this issue and will judge them accordingly.   If they continue to refuse to do the right thing, they will be personally responsible for ensuring that the Olympic ideal is forever stained with innocent blood.”



3 Responses to “ECAJ praises Parliament”
  1. Lynne Newington says:

    This government contributed towards the $180milion for the visit of the head of a soverign state in perpetuity, who we are told, during the second world, had Jews passing by his very window:
    on their way to concentration camps.
    There has to be a line drawn somewhere.

  2. Otto Waldmann says:

    A great, splendid gesture by the Parliament.

    Yet, how can the current Government explain the duplicitous gesture of giving an enormous amount of NINETY MILLION DOLLARS to the same institutions run by the very same palestinians which have been and are still, currently, educating their people into the same spirit of exclusion of the Jews to the very point of encouraging criminal attitudes through a palestinian education infrastructure.
    One minute silence reminds us of the tragedy whch we must not see repeated. Menwhile the receivers of ultra generous Australian funds are producing substantial educational programmes promoting the same hatred agianst Jews WITH OUR MONEY !!!

    Does our ECAJ contain the rhetorical spine to openly address this injustice with the Australian Government !!!???
    Sadly, obviously, they don’t and that is one of the main reasons this Government is getting away with this outreageous offense to the Jewish State and our Australian Jewish community.

  3. Otto Waldmann says:

    No doubt this is a splendid act in the Parliament, one everybody should admire.

    Yet one can see a duplicitous attitude by the governing Party, also very present in the same House.

    How can anyone reconcile the respect and honour given to the muredred Israelis with the enormous financial support the same politcal body has given to their very murderers. The NINETY MILLION dollars , all of which is OUR money , is going without any preconditions, to prop the very institutions that continue to promote the hatred and criminal education by the same palestinians who honour their heros, precisely those who our Parliament is supposed to …condemn.

    I want to see our Peter Wertheim slam those responsible for this offensive slap on the face of the same humanity !

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