Community leaders visit Canberra

June 3, 2011 Agencies
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Australian Jewish community leaders met this week in Canberra with the Prime Minister, Foreign Minister, Shadow Foreign Minister and other senior Members of Parliament to discuss issues of interest to the Australian Jewish community.


Jeremy Jones, Philip Chester, Prime Minister Julia Gillard, Dr Danny Lamm, Mark Dreyfus and Peter Wertheim

The group was led by Dr Danny Lamm, President of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry, Philip Chester, President of the Zionist Federation of Australia, and Jeremy Jones, Director of International and Community Affairs for the Australia/Israel and Jewish Affairs Council, and included other senior communal leaders.

“We were most impressed by the high level of knowledge of all the political leaders we met about the issues we discussed with them and by the strength and depth of bipartisan sympathy and support for our community and its concerns,” said Dr Lamm.

“In these respects, the Australian Jewish community is among the most fortunate in the world”, he concluded.



One Response to “Community leaders visit Canberra”
  1. Andrew says:

    The Australian Jewish community is also amongst the most fortunate in the world due to its outstanding leaders. All of the delegation listed above are exceptionally dedicated and competent people who allow Australian Jewry to stand proud.

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