Cirque du Soleil’s LUZIA

March 28, 2024 by Alex First
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Cirque du Soleil reviewed by Alex First

Cirque du Soleil’s LUZIA is simply stunning
Photo by Anne Colliard

Prepare to be mesmerised. Cirque du Soleil continues to raise the bar with its latest show, its 38th original production, LUZIA.

The name LUZIA is a combination of the Spanish words for light and rain.

Mind you, there is no raining on this parade of the extraordinary.

LUZIA, the show, marks the first time in Cirque history that rain – and I am talking buckets of it, for it cascades – appears under the Big Top.

We are over an imaginary Mexico, and a man (who becomes the show’s fall guy) is free-falling to the ground, map in hand when everything goes pear-shaped.

But instead of crash and splatter, he enters a wonderous world filled with awesome creatures and sounds.

That is the starting point for what is undoubtedly one of the greatest shows on Earth – I kid you not.

Colour, splendour, surprises aplenty and circus excellence are its hallmarks as, time and again, it pushes the limits of acrobatic endeavour. In short, it is stunning.

From human puppetry inside a metallic horse to a gigantic python curled around its master, a giant armadillo, and a caterpillar, insects and animals abound.

Swordfish, iguana, crocodile and hummingbird are also on the menu, along with a jaguar prowling for a drink (again, think human puppetry).

One also shouldn’t overlook the majesty and beauty of a butterfly with its resplendent wings spread.

The costuming is nothing short of astounding – rich and redolent … nearly 1,000 pieces.

As the acts of strength and skill, balance and bravado play out, we move from urban settings to the natural world – from the ocean to the desert.

The water feature in this production all but becomes its own character … with a cheeky side. That is seen when the parched adventurer who plummeted towards the ground (the clown) tries to fill his empty drink bottle.

In fact, the culture, history and mythology of Mexico are on show … and the palate is a most enticing one.

As you enter the Big Top, what strikes you is a “Great Disk” towering above the stage, onto which projections are shone throughout the performance. It represents the sun, the moon and the Aztec calendar.

Trapeze, hoop diving, pole dancing and climbing, hand balancing and strapping, juggling, contortion, ball play and swing to swing – it is all there to excite.

And excite it most certainly does, as musicians strut about the stage, all dressed to the nines.

A singer par excellence, along with strains of bass, percussion, keyboard, accordion, guitar, tuba, trombone, drums, trumpet, flugelhorn and charango.

The artistes are drawn from the global community, all at one in pursuing … and realising the breathtaking.

The visionaries behind LUZIA are to be wildly applauded. I refer to the creators, the writers, the designers and composers, the choreographers, the sound, lighting and projection professionals, and the makeup artists.

They, along with the gifted cast, give us a rousing and inspired night of entertainment that delights from start to finish.

Cirque du Soleil’s LUZIA is on under the Big Top at Flemington Racecourse until 26th May, 2024.

Intoxicating family entertainment, do not miss it! There is so much to see and appreciate, a single visit isn’t enough.

For tickets, go to

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