Chomsky gets the prize
Controversial American political activist Noam Chomsky blasted US President Barack Obama “as one of the most extremist presidents in history”.
Chomsky made his comments in Sydney Wednesday as he received this year’s $50,000 Sydney Peace Prize for his “unfailing moral courage”.
Chomsky told SBS TV: “It’s been obvious from the very beginning; he [Obama] makes some nice words about not expanding the settlements, but then he proceeds to assist in settlement expansion.”
The prize, awarded Wednesday night by the Sydney Peace Foundation based at the University of Sydney, was blasted by Jewish academic Philip Mendes, who wrote in an article in The Australian newspaper Tuesday: “It is hard to see how Chomsky’s track record on Israel-Palestine justifies his receipt of a peace prize. He has done nothing to encourage conflict resolution based on mutual compromise and concessions, or to advance practical strategies that would empower peace activists and moderates on both sides of the equation. To the contrary, he is a one-sided advocate for the Palestinian national cause.”
Chomsky joined previous recipients such as Palestinian activist Hanan Ashrawi, Archbishop Desmond Tutu and former Secretary General of Amnesty International Irene Khan.
WHAt an outpouring of bile from Rita! Unfortunately for Rita’s hasbara, Chomsky is largely sidelined by the major Murdochised media both in USA and Australia. And no one can go far in the Amrican dominant media with even a mild criticism of Israel or Jews.
What is controversial about MR Chomsky’s statements ? He substantiated whatever he said with evidence, not slander, abuse and intimidation.
Peace Prize, Human Rights, UN, Securty Council have all become dirty words, sullied by those who give/receive/use them.
As to the word “controversial”, this too has become subverted and is now nothing more than a fashion accessory and a euphemism for “predictable”. Chomsky is sooooooooooooooo predictable and conforming to this present leftist Zeitgeist, that he makes me want to vomit.
As to the Sydney- and other Peace Prizes: You too can win one, if you become a media-whorish promoter of Judenhass.
Pfffft !
I do not understand Philip’s problem, the only rule by which any of the recipients of the price have ever been judged is their hate for Israel. Just look at the people who have won.
Peace prizes are for left wing idiots that created the social problems in the first place. Chomsky is a fool if he thinks anarchy is the way to go. The socialist destruction of the rules and boundaries of society have created the economic and social disaster that we have now. Bugger off to Cuba and keep your crap to yourself. If some of my tax money funded this loony’s prize then I want it back.