Change at the top for the NCJWA in Melbourne

August 29, 2014 by  
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Shirley Glance has been elected unopposed president of the National Council of Jewish Women of Australia  (Vic) .

Shirley Glance and Vivien Brass

Shirley Glance and Vivien Brass

At this week’s AGM held  at The Eva Besen Centre outgoing president Vivien Brass welcomed guests  highlighting the achievements of NCJWA(Vic) over the four years of her Presidency. They include advocating for a multi-cultural society, helping to improve social conditions and the status of women in Jewish and non-Jewish communities, delivering innovative programs to assist vulnerable women across the community and providing support for specific projects in Israel.

“I am proud of what we have achieved together and believe that as I step down as President, that I am leaving the organisation in very capable hands”, stated Vivien Brass.

Vivien will assume the role of Immediate Past President following the Annual General Meeting and will remain a member of the NCJWA(Vic) Board.

Shirley Glance, Vice President was elected unopposed to the role of President.

“It is indeed an honour to take over the leadership of this wonderful organisation. I am very excited to work together with such a talented and intelligent team of women, bringing together the skills and expertise to take this organisation to its next phase of growth”, stated Shirley Glance.

The new Board:

Shirley Glance, President; Vivien Brass, Immediate Past President; Miriam Bass, Vice President; Hannah Greenberg, Honorary Treasurer; Debbie Strauch, Honorary Secretary; Sandra Levinson, Board member and newly elected Board members Karen Stock and Dr Ann Wollner.

Retiring Board members Susie Ivany, Dr Susan Feldman and Dr Jackie King were recognised for their important contribution.

Several awards were presented to those who made an outstanding contribution to the organisation and to the community over the year.

Hannah Greenberg, Honorary Treasurer received the President’s Award.

Hayley Southwick, on behalf of David Southwick MP presented Daphne Saltzman with a Victorian Volunteer Award for the Caulfield District for her commitment to the organisation.

The Sylvia Gelman Award for Outstanding Woman Educator in the area of Jewish Studies in Victoria was awarded to Michele Bernshaw, past Principal of The King David School.

The Fanny Reading Scholarship was awarded by Dr Dvir Abramovich, Director of the Centre for Jewish History and Culture at The University of Melbourne and Senior Lecturer in Hebrew and Jewish Studies, to Alexandra Smirnova for outstanding achievement in Hebrew language subjects.

In addition Honorary Life Membership of NCJWA(Vic) was bestowed upon Eva Besen, Susie Ivany and Dr Susan Feldman in recognition of their support, dedication and commitment to the organisation for many years.



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