Census – Identify as Jews
Australia’s peak national Jewish body is urging all Jewish Australians to write in the word ‘Jewish’ or ‘Judaism’ in answer to the question on the census form that asks ‘What is your religion?’ “This should be done for each member of the household when you complete the form on census night on Tuesday 9 August 2011”, said Dr Danny Lamm, the President of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry.
“There is no box you can tick marked: ‘Jewish’. In the past many Jewish people did not answer the religion question, or even selected another religion to mask their identity”.
Dr Lamm added “Census data affects Government’s allocation of resources to assist the Australian community in a host of vital areas. The Jewish community also depends on the Census for accurate planning information for services in fields of such as education, welfare and aged care.”
In response to possible concerns about people’s privacy or discrimination, Dr Lamm observed that the Australian Bureau of Statistics has published details of the lengths it goes to in order to protect people’s privacy. “Individual records are seen only by a data entry operator, and the form is then destroyed unless the individual expressly asks for it to be kept for genealogical research”.
“The Census will provide vital data for all Australians including the Jewish community. That information will help Jewish community bodies to represent the community’s needs to government more effectively and will help us to plan for the future and ensure appropriate provision of critical services and programs”, Dr Lamm emphasised. “I ask all Jewish Australians to fill out the form with complete and accurate details.”
What happened to Jewiishness as a nationhood. Can’t they identify themselves as Jewish nation ?