A celebration of music at TBI
May 11, 2015 by J-Wire Staff
Melbourne’s Temple Beth Israel (TBI) will host the ‘Zimriya Concert’, a celebration of Jewish and Klezmer music at the end of May. Read more
Menorah in Martin Place
December 19, 2014 by Henry Benjamin
The Chanukah celebration organised in Sydney’s Martin Place , the scene of this week;s siege, was cancelled in respect to this who lost their lives…but the giant menorah has been erected and carries a message to all Australians. Read more
Peace in Martin Place
December 19, 2014 by Henry Benjamin
Rabbi Levi Wolff and Rabbi Zalman Kastel joined other religious leaders in Martin Place in an act of togetherness centering around Ken Johnson, the father of Tori Johnson who was brutally murdered during the Martin Place siege. Read more
Martin Place Chanukah cancelled
December 18, 2014 by J-Wire Staff
For the first time in almost thirty years, a Menorah lighting ceremony in Sydney’s Martin Place planned for tonight will not take place. Read more
Chanukah 2014
December 17, 2014 by J-Wire Staff
Chanukah celebrations… Read more
Minding the media
August 27, 2014 by J-Wire Staff
Arnold Roth’s daughter was killed in the suicide bombing attack on a Jerusalem restaurant in 2001. He has addressed a lunch in his native Melbourne. Read more
Yeshiva lights the real thing
November 29, 2013 by J-Wire Staff
Last week, Sydney Yeshiva along with the NSWJBD ran a dummy run of lighting the Menorah at the NSW State Parliament. Last night, they lit the real thing on the second night of Chanukah…the giant menorah in the city’s Martin Place. Read more
New Old Torah for Central
February 22, 2013 by Henry Benjamin
Thanks to investigative work by New York-based George Klas, a Torah captured by the Germans from a synagogue in Czechoslovakia has been found..in Sydney. Read more
Sydney Yeshiva and the Police
February 20, 2013 by J-Wire Staff
Sydney Yeshiva has responded to a Fairfax report that a man being investigated by police over alleged sexual assulats on boys at the institution’s school claimed that senior rabbis were aware of his actions…but did not act on them. Read more
Westfield Menorah lit
December 12, 2012 by Community Editor
The international shopping centre chain will light menorahs for Chanukah around the world…one has been lit in their Sydney CBD flagship centre… Read more
Martin Place Menorah Vandalised
December 10, 2012 by Henry Benjamin
When bocherim from the Yeshiva in Sydney went to the giant Chanukeah in the city’s Martin Place, they found that signage had been vandalised. Read more
What’s on at Emanuel
June 26, 2012 by J-Wire
Emanuel Synagogue to join “Walk Together”
June 21, 2012 by Immanuel Suttner
As part of Refugee Week, Sydney’s Emanuel Synagogue will be joining “Walk Together” a walk to celebrate the fact that “although we all arrived via different pathways we share a common Australian journey.” Read more
Chanukah Centres
December 9, 2011 by J-Wire Staff
A directive has gone out to rabbis Australia-wide advising that Westfield shopping centres throughout the country will co-operate in bringing Chanukah to the malls. Read more
Symphony for the Soul
September 28, 2010 by J-Wire
This is Your Life – Rabbi Jeffrey Kamins
October 12, 2009 by Katie Gluckman
Emanuel Synagogue honoured Rabbi Jeffrey Kamins for 20 years of loving, dedicated service to the Sydney community with a surprise celebration on Saturday night. Read more
Rabbinical Top Ten!
June 19, 2009 by Henry Benjamin
Believe it or not, there is a web site featuring the world’s top ten rabbis… Sydney Rabbi Levi Wolff and Melbourne’s Rabbi Mordechai Gutnick have made the list…. Read more
Lag B’omer at the Cheder Chabad
May 15, 2009 by Daniel Kaye
Yeshiva Cheder Chabad, Sydney Australia had a Lag B’omer Tzivos Hashem Rally, Lag B’omer Parade and picnic for all the students, playgroup till high school. Read more
Another honour for Cheryl Bart
March 4, 2009 by J-Wire
Cheryl Bart, who conquered Mount Everest with her daughter Nikki last year, is to be honored this Shabbat at Sydney’s Central Synagogue. Read more
BPJC Building Fund
February 17, 2009 by J-Wire
BPJC launched our building fund at our second birthday party. BPJC Secretary Scott Leonard launched the fund in the presence of our special guest Mr Steve Denenberg, Executive Director of the Union for Progressive Judaism, members and supporters.
Mr Leonard explained how like other Australian Jewish communities, ‘Brisbane includes the religious and secular, young and old, and people from a range of different nations. Each of these groups has different needs but the common theme throughout our history has been a temple as the centre of a community. We are looking for a property large enough for future expansion for offices and meeting halls as demand arises. It will become an asset available to support the whole community’.
Contact the Secretary now to pledge your support to this important project. Click here to read the complete speech.
Temple Beth Israel makes appeal
February 11, 2009 by J-Wire
Alongside all Victorians, the TBI community has been affected by the tragedy which swept through Victoria over this past weekend. We have checked with all members of Temple Beth Israel residing in areas which have been affected by the fires and we are thankful that all have survived
without injury or loss of life.
The outpourings of compassion have been heartfelt and overwhelming.
The TBI office has taken countless enquiries from members
asking how they can help. Here are our suggestions:
TBI and the JCCV invite the whole Victorian Jewish Community to a
This Friday, 13 February at 6:15 pm
At Temple Beth Israel, 76 Alma Road, St Kilda
In partnership with the JCCV
Our erev Shabbat service will be specially dedicated to those
affected by this ongoing tragedy.
Kaddish will be said in remembrance of those who lost their lives.
Please bring donations with you.
Go to the TBI website at www.tbi.org.au
Click on the big red hotlink to the Bushfire Appeal page.
You can make credit card donations directly to Jewish Aid Australia
Cheques or cash can be forwarded to TBI and we will redirect appropriately.
You can also drop off goods to the TBI office. Place clothes in plastic bags labelled where appropriate with size, age, gender.
In addition to money and clothing, there is a need for toiletries, stationery,
toys and baby clothes, nappies & dog leashes.
Please share this email with friends who may not be in our email loop.
Chabad launches after school cheder
January 30, 2009 by J-Wire
February 4 sees a new course for children in the Chabad Double Bay Kornmehl Family Hebrew School