Send her back

May 9, 2016 by J-Wire Staff
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Child sexual abuse advocate Manny Waks has called on Israeli authorities to proceed with extradition hearings involving Malka Leifer wanted in Melbourne to face charges of child sexual abuse.

Malka Leifer

Malka Leifer

Proceedings to extradite Leifer from Israel have been suspended by an Israeli court.

The former principal of the Adass Yisroel school in Melbourne fled to Israel ahead of a raft of charges involving the abuse of several girls at the school. She has failed to face court in Israel on several occasions on extradition hearings because she claims to suffer from psychotic attacks ahead of a court appearance.

Manny Waks said: “Either Leifer is well enough to face justice or she is hospitalised until she is ready to do so. There should be no alternative. This case has dragged on for far too long and we need some finality. We need to put the interests and wellbeing of the alleged victims ahead of the interests and wellbeing of the alleged perpetrator.”


One Response to “Send her back”
  1. Liat Kirby-Nagar says:

    I had thought Israeli courts were more pro-active than that. It’s obvious Leifer is stalling. Will they allow her to stall for the rest of her life? Those back in Australia need to be dealt with for their part in quickly spiriting her out of the country, too.

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