Beware the Political Generals

January 30, 2024 by Gil Solomon
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Compounding the hostage tragedy in Israel today are the thousands of Leftist citizens actively participating in demonstrations, agitating for the political purpose of bringing down Prime Minister Netanyahu.

Gil Solomon

They have latched on to this tragedy as a means to their end. Agitating for this cause gives them the cover they need for their political agenda. In this climate, however, their tactics could have profound and devastating consequences for Israel.

Bearing in mind that as Hamas has vowed to perpetrate other October 7s whenever and wherever possible, the terms of any hostage deal must not jeopardise the future security of Israel. In short, if Israel does not succeed in eradicating Hamas and its military capabilities now, then for Israel, this battle is lost and will be repeated again at the time of Hamas’ choosing. Alas, the deaths of many IDF soldiers would have been in vain.

Long gone are those immortal words: “We will not negotiate with terrorists”.

Tragically, it appears that today, Hamas controls the narrative, be it the number of hostages they are prepared to release and in what time frame.

The Biden administration would clearly like to see regime change and Israelis should wake up and not foolishly aid and abet US efforts in any way by undermining Netanyahu at this critical juncture.

Unfortunately, US coercion seems to be working, and IDF strategic changes made in order to accommodate the current American Administration could lead to the nation’s destruction. In its attempts to appease Washington, the IDF has changed tactics, thus causing the catastrophic deaths of many young soldiers.

Changed tactics for what I ask?

To protect supposed “innocent civilians” in Gaza who, for decades, cheered and celebrated at every opportunity on hearing that Jews were killed. To this day it appears that the majority of those “innocent civilians” still support Hamas!

Should Netanyahu fall, the Left’s preferred heir to the Prime Ministership is former IDF Chief of Staff Benny Gantz. What follows is an edited Op-Ed by Marc Doyon titled: “The Trojan Horse Within” published in Israel National News on December 24, 2023, where he stated:

Since 1948, there have been three Generals (Aluf/Rav Aluf) that have become Prime Minister: Yitzhak Rabin, Ehud Barak and Ariel Sharon. Every single one of them has been nothing but a disaster to Israel – a curse enduring to this very day. They gave birth to national catastrophes. Their legacy is nothing but endless recurring tragedies and despair. They literally endangered the Nation.

Despite the countless irrefutable evidence bearing witness to the legitimacy of Israel’s right to her land, former Generals turned Prime Ministers – without any exception, either Left or Right – surrendered Jewish land to implacable foes. Their appealing slogan, “Land for Peace”, morphed into “Land for Blood”.

STRIKE ONE! Oslo Accords (1993) – Former General turned Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin allowed the ruthless PLO to operate from Israel’s soil, triggering a hecatomb. Rabin invited arch-terrorist Yasser Arafat and his goons to leave Tunisia (where they took refuge after having been forcibly expelled from both Jordan and Lebanon) to come to establish their headquarters in Israel’s heartland: Judea-Samaria.

STRIKE TWO! At former General turned Prime Minister Ehud Barak’s initiative, Israel dissolved the Security Buffer Zone between Israel and South Lebanon (2000). Outcome: Hezbollah’s terror tunnels, hundreds of thousands of missiles aimed at Israel as well as another October 7 waiting to happen at any moment. They won’t ask permission prior to proceeding and have plenty of martyrs willing to rush in.

STRIKE THREE! Former General turned Prime Minister Ariel Sharon gave away Gaza-held territory (2005). Outcome: Hamas’ terror tunnels, thousands of rockets fired indiscriminately, suicide bombings, kidnappings and the appalling October 7 massacre.

YOU’RE OUT! That’s it! No more, ever, FORMER GENERAL as Prime Minister since these three confirmed being unfit for Premiership and constitute a clear and present danger to the Nation.

They destroy as Prime Ministers what they have achieved as Generals. As if they felt guilty for having won the war; as if victory was a reprehensible achievement; as if they were driven by the futile hope that giving away land will quench the unfathomable demonic rage to kill Jews. Well – Good luck! – because for these Hamans, even too much is still not enough.

So it’s not “Anyone but Bibi!” (whatever one thinks of his future), but “Anyone but a former General!” Even amateur Yair Lapid couldn’t do worse than these – which tells a lot!

The facts don’t lie: the common denominator between all of these national tragedies is the former Israeli General turned Prime Minister. A law should be enacted preventing Generals from becoming Prime Minister. Unless, of course, one wants to bring Israel to annihilation.

If we’ve learned anything from the hell they put us through, it is:

Beware of Benny Gantz! Beware of Moshe Ya’alon! Beware of Gadi Eisenkot! Beware of any other Aluf eyeing the Premiership!

The Trojan Horse is already in and has morphed into a former General eyeing the Premiership.

Author Gil Solomon is a retired finance manager who takes an intense interest in current affairs impacting on the Jewish community.


One Response to “Beware the Political Generals”
  1. Randy Rose says:

    Thanks Gil.

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