Beresheet takes a selfie

March 6, 2019 by J-Wire Newsdesk
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SpaceIL and Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) have shared Beresheet’s first selfie photo from a distance of 37,600 km (23363.5 miles) from Earth on its journey to the moon.

Beresheet’s selfie

The spacecraft transmitted the photo to the control room in Yehud, Israel, which is staffed 24/7 by SpaceIL and IAI engineers.

Beresheet’s route

In the photo of Earth, taken during a slow spin of the spacecraft, Australia is clearly visible. Also seen is the plaque installed on the spacecraft, with the Israeli flag and the inscriptions “Am Yisrael Chai” and “Small Country, Big Dreams.”

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the moment of Beresheet’s launch


One Response to “Beresheet takes a selfie”
  1. DAVID SINGER says:

    Inspirational and truly amazing achievement from what French Ambassador to the United Kingdom Daniel Bernard famously declared in 2001:
    “All the current troubles in the world are because of that shitty little country Israel. Why should the world be in danger of World War III because of those people?”

    World War III has not eventuated but there is a real civil war being waged by the “yellow vests” in France right now.

    Guess the French might be able to blame all the world’s future troubles in space to Israel – as they continue to welcome PLO “pay for slay” leader Mahmoud Abbas with red carpets,guards of honour and lavish banquets at 37 Quai D’Orsay Paris [

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