Family First – or Last?
March 20, 2011 by Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
This Sunday (20th March) we will celebrate Purim, the happiest day in the Jewish calendar. There are many lessons to be learned from this special day. One of them is the true meaning of kindness and unity. Read more
The Source of Happiness
March 11, 2011 by Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
The festival of Purim (celebrated this year on Saturday night 19 March and Sunday 20 March) is the happiest day on the Jewish calendar. On this day we read the Purim story, have a festive meal, give food gifts to each other and help those in need. We are taught that on Purim we should celebrate with great festivity and happiness. Read more
Kindness – Strength or Weakness?
March 4, 2011 by Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
Kindness and charity are one of most honourable and elevated traits. Yet sometimes the kind-hearted and generous feel taken advantage of and trodden upon. The inability to ever say no results in feelings of resentment and frustration. Read more
Keep Laughing
February 25, 2011 by Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
The Talmud relates that the great sage Rabbah had the following practice. When he lectured in Talmudic law he would always begin with a joke, causing the students to laugh, after which he would continue with a serious presentation of in-depth analysis of Jewish Law. Read more
The Art of Grand-Parenting
February 7, 2011 by Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
Firstly, Mazel Tov on becoming a grandfather and may your new granddaughter bring you much joy and “naches”! In the past I attended your BINA Parenting classes. I recently also become a grandparent and was wondering if you are now going to give lectures on grand-parenting? I am looking forward to coming. Read more
Recognizing the Individual Student
January 28, 2011 by Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
Next week in Australia thousands of boys and girls will begin the new school year. As parents, teachers and educators it is a good time to reflect on the goals of education and the values that we want our children to absorb in the school experience. Read more
How to Receive a Compliment
January 26, 2011 by Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
Have you ever thought of how you respond when someone compliments you or appreciates what you have done? Read more
Fire and Ice – Your weekly message from Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
December 31, 2010 by Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
In this week’s Parsha we read the story of the ten plagues that punished the Egyptians and made way for the final exodus from Egypt. Read more
Do It Today – Your Weekly Message from Rabbi Gourarie
December 24, 2010 by Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
One of the secrets of success is to respond quickly to a project or a task as soon as it comes our way. Many people suffer from a procrastination problem that can be very destructive. They live by the rule – what we can do tomorrow why do today. Postponing important jobs that might be difficult, often leads to canceling them and loosing the opportunity. Read more
Be a Child – Your weekly message from Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
December 10, 2010 by Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
Growth, change and self-development aren’t always easy. They require a lot of effort, and some risk taking. Read more
Why do we always have to eat? Your weekly message from Rabbi Gourarie
December 3, 2010 by Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
Question: Why are we Jews so obsessed with food? Every festival has its own dish. The one that really confuses me is Chanukah. Read more
The Empty Menorah – A Chanukah Message from Rabbi Gourarie
November 27, 2010 by Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
The festival of Chanukah begins this coming Wednesday evening. The highlight of these eight days is the mitzvah of kindling the Chanukah candles every evening. Traditionally this mitzvah is fulfilled by placing the candles in a Menorah of eight holders. But in the first few days the Menorah always seems very empty and incomplete. Wouldn’t it be more logical to kindle these flames in single candlesticks, adding one each night? Read more
Don’t Be an Angel – Your Weekly Message from Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
November 19, 2010 by Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
There are different ways that parents praise their children when they are being really good. One compliment I often hear parents give is: “you are such an angel.”
We use this form of praise because in our minds we have an image of angels as perfect holy beings that never do anything wrong. However, while it is true that angels are very special beings, calling someone an angel is not such a compliment. Read more
When Sun Meets Moon – Your weekly feature from Rabbi Gourarie
November 12, 2010 by Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
Most nations use one of two calendar systems. Many cultures have a solar calendar with a year of 365 days. Others, such as Muslims, use a system based entirely on lunar months that last an average of 30 days. Read more
The Parenting Package
November 5, 2010 by Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
Parenting is a real challenge. Without any training or simple manual, young people are thrown into this huge responsibility. Today we are witnessing a parenting crisis. What are the essential ingredients of successful parenting? Read more
Definition of Unity
October 29, 2010 by Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
In Jewish tradition one of the greatest ideals is unity and Shalom (peace). Harmony between husband and wife, respect between friends and communal solidarity generate blessing and success. Read more
We Can Do It Too
October 22, 2010 by Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
A week ago the world watched in awe as thirty three Chilean miners were rescued from underground after being trapped for so long. What makes this story even more amazing is the combination of incredible inner strength demonstrated by the miners and the fantastic effort by the rescuers outside. Read more
Chaos – Good or Bad?
October 15, 2010 by Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
Is chaos good or bad? Your weekly message from Rabbi Michoel Gourarie… Read more
Two approaches to toxic situations
October 8, 2010 by Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
One of the strongest powers of influence is our surrounding. Read more
A Sukkos Thought – True Happiness
September 22, 2010 by Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
Sukkos is a time of joy. How do we achieve true happiness?…a message from Rabbi Michoel Gourarie Read more
Rosh Hashana message from Rabbi Gourarie
September 8, 2010 by Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
Rosh Hashana Codes Read more
Say it – Your weekly message from Rabbi Gourarie
August 27, 2010 by Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
A woman once complained to a marriage counsellor that her husband never says that he loves her. Read more
A Different View: Your weekly message from Rabbi Gourarie
August 20, 2010 by Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
Recently, to get some much needed exercise I began playing tennis, which I haven’t done for some time. While I am enjoying it immensely I sometimes forget some of the rules and have to be reminded of how exactly the game is played. Read more
Not Naive – Just Loving: Your weekly message from Rabbi Gourarie
August 13, 2010 by Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
A gentile seeking to convert to Judaism once approached the great sage Hillel and said: “Teach me the whole Torah while I stand on one foot.” Hillel responded: “What is hateful to you do not do to others. This is the essence of Jewish teaching – the rest is the commentary which you must go and study.” Read more
What Comes First?
August 6, 2010 by Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
A Jewish marriage begins with the signing of the Ketuba (legal marriage document) in which the groom pledges to be a good and faithful husband. Read more
Is This Relationship For Me? from Rabbi Gourarie
July 30, 2010 by Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
Uncertainty in relationships is very common. Read more