The Iranian crisis: American Jews must stand and be counted
April 15, 2015 by Isi Leibler
The announcement of the Lausanne joint statement concerning the framework of the U.S. deal with Iran highlighted the extent of President Barack Obama’s subterfuge and deception…writes Isi Leibler. Read more
Uniting to resist Obama’s unprecedented hostility
April 3, 2015 by Isi Leibler
It is ironic that as we prepare to celebrate Passover, the festival of freedom, we are facing vicious efforts by the vindictive leader of the United States, our greatest ally, who is abandoning us — the only democratic state in a region suffused with barbarism…writes Isi Leibler. Read more
Yehuda Avner: Isi Leibler remembers
March 26, 2015 by Isi Leibler
When Yehuda Avner passed away this week, aged 86, Israel lost a noble citizen whose entire life was devoted to serving the Jewish state and the Jewish people. Read more
Vindictive Obama punishing Israel for re-electing Netanyahu
March 23, 2015 by Isi Leibler
Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s stunning election victory surprised the nation and shocked the media “experts” who were already writing his obituaries…writes Isi Leibler. Read more
Every vote counts in this crucial election…writes Isi Leibler
March 13, 2015 by Isi Leibler
The wretched state of Israeli politics and this unnecessary election have alienated the majority of voters. Read more
The aftermath of Netanyahu’s congressional tour de force…writes Isi Leibler
March 10, 2015 by Isi Leibler
A week after the event, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s extraordinary address to Congress has in no way diminished my enthusiasm for his tour de force, which exceeded all expectations. Read more
Israel’s scandalous deficient response to antisemitic tsunami
February 24, 2015 by Isi Leibler
Successive Israeli governments have failed miserably to meet the challenge of global antisemitism, not providing the leadership demanded of a Jewish state in these turbulent times and leaving Diaspora Jews to their own devices…writes Isi Leibler. Read more
Obama’s shameless Jewish cheerleaders…writes Isi Leibler
February 16, 2015 by Isi Leibler
While U.S. President Barack Obama determinedly pursues his policy of appeasement, which may enable the world’s most dangerous terrorist state to become a nuclear threshold power, there are Israelis and American Jews who have initiated a campaign against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Cry for me, Argentina…writes Isi Leibler
February 11, 2015 by Isi Leibler
The assassination of Argentine prosecutor Alberto Nisman reflects the endemic corruption of the Kirchner regime and focuses the spotlight on the devil’s pact consummated by President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner in 2013 with Iran, whose leaders inflicted the worst ever act of terrorism on her own citizens. Read more
A Revolting Election Campaign and a Vicious Media
February 4, 2015 by Isi Leibler
Israeli voters should be considering the issues and debating who is best equipped to lead a nation confronted by extraordinary military, diplomatic, social and religious challenges…writes Isi Leibler. Read more
Should Netanyahu address Congress?…asks Isi Leibler
January 28, 2015 by Isi Leibler
Presumably, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu weighed his options carefully before accepting U.S. House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner’s invitation to address the joint session of Congress. Read more
Lessons from France: Aliyah is the cornerstone of Zionism
January 20, 2015 by Isi Leibler
French Prime Minister Manuel Valls courageously stated that “if 100,000 Jews leave, France will no longer be France…writes Isi Leibler. Read more
The Fruits of Cowardice and Appeasement…writes Isi Leibler
January 13, 2015 by Isi Leibler
The ill winds that have been gathering over Europe descended with a tornado last week in Paris with the barbaric Charlie Hebdo massacre, followed by the horrific terror attack at a kosher supermarket – a total of 17 dead in three days. But alas, the horrors will in all likelihood soon recede and life will continue as usual until the next attack. Read more
Haredim and the State: A Possible Turning Point
January 7, 2015 by Isi Leibler
Although election fever currently dominates the national agenda, we should also recognise that today the state is at a turning point in its evolving relationship with the Haredim – undoubtedly the most significant long-term challenge to Israeli society…writes Isi Leibler. Read more
Mounting election turmoil…writes Isi Leibler
December 30, 2014 by Isi Leibler
It is still several months until the Israeli elections and the current opinion polls, in all probability, will be far from an accurate reflection of how voters actually cast their ballots. Read more
The crass self-promoting motivations behind the “Anyone but Bibi” campaign
December 16, 2014 by Isi Leibler
The “Anyone but Bibi” frenzy, now moving into high gear, highlights the absence of genuine discourse or debate over issues confronting the nation and demonstrates that this election is dominated by the machinations of individuals obsessed with gaining personal power. Read more
A dysfunctional political system operated by self-serving mediocrities
December 11, 2014 by Isi Leibler
It is deplorable that after only 20 months in office, the government has been dissolved…writes Isi Leibler Read more
Increasing numbers of Jewish Democrats disillusioned with Obama
December 4, 2014 by Isi Leibler
It has been reported that American Jews still voted overwhelmingly for the Democratic Party in the recent midterm congressional elections…writes Isi Leibler. Read more
Coping with barbaric, religiously inspired terrorism
November 28, 2014 by Isi Leibler
The horror that engulfed the entire nation of Israel in the wake of the barbaric murder of Jews engaged in prayer in a Jerusalem synagogue remains palpable…writes Isi Leibler. Read more
The Knesset adopts Bolshevism
November 17, 2014 by Isi Leibler
The Knesset discredited itself and cast an ugly blemish on Israeli democracy when, by a 2 to 1 majority (43–23), it passed a bill clearly designed to vindictively prejudice Israel’s largest circulating daily newspaper, Israel Hayom…writes Isi Leibler. Read more
Obama desperate for a deal with Iran at any price
November 15, 2014 by Isi Leibler
Despite statements to the contrary, the Obama administration appears determined to achieve an “agreement” with Iran and seems willing to breach its repeated undertakings that it would never countenance Iran becoming a nuclear power…writes Isi Leibler. Read more
Is American Jewish leadership intimidated?…asks Isi Leibler
November 5, 2014 by Isi Leibler
I would hesitate writing this column had I not served as a national Jewish leader who faced similar dilemmas to those confronting the American Jewish leadership today, many of whom I was engaged with in various battles against enemies of the Jewish people and Israel. Read more
Obama seeks confrontation with Israel…writes Isi Leibler
October 30, 2014 by Isi Leibler
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s response to the intensifying global pressures on Israel is to firmly reject any further territorial withdrawals that would put Israel’s security at risk, stating that “Israel will not lose hope for peace, but neither will it cling to false hope.” Read more
British vote epitomizes ignorance, opportunism and malice
October 22, 2014 by Isi Leibler
The British parliamentary resolution that called for the immediate and unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state, endorsed by an overwhelming majority of 274 to 12, was an unprecedentedly aggressive act…writes Isi Leibler. Read more
Is the status quo relating to the disputed territories sustainable?…asks Isi Leibler
October 15, 2014 by Isi Leibler
Israelis from all sides of the political spectrum desperately yearn that their dream of peace and a secure and stable relationship with their neighbors could be realized now. But alas, no quick fix is currently achievable. Read more
Obama administration’s unprecedented outburst against Israel…writes Isi Leibler
October 8, 2014 by Isi Leibler
The exceptionally vicious U.S. condemnation of Israel with regard to housing construction in the Jewish neighborhoods of Jerusalem is not merely misguided, but also reflects irrational bias. Read more
Duplicitous Abbas comes out of the closet…writes Isi Leibler
October 2, 2014 by Isi Leibler
Even the few delusional apologists who maintain that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is a genuine partner for peace must have been stunned by his obscene and demagogic address on Rosh Hashana at the United Nations General Assembly. Read more
Rosh Hashanah: Challenges and Optimism…writes Isi Leibler
September 23, 2014 by Isi Leibler
On the eve of Rosh Hashana 5775, traditional Jews are engaged in teshuva — reviewing the past year and soul-searching with a view to enhancing our moral standards for the coming year. Read more
Facing Realities in the wake of Operation Protective Edge…writes Isi Leibler
September 9, 2014 by Isi Leibler
Most of us were bitterly frustrated that the Hamas terrorist regime was not removed in the course of Operation Protective Edge. Read more
Déjà vu: Jewish renegades spewing vitriol against their people
September 3, 2014 by Isi Leibler
From the outset of Operation Protective Edge, Jewish renegades have been increasingly propelled into the limelight…writes Isi Leibler. Read more