Australian Jewish Leaders attack Israeli Rabbis’ Housing Petition

December 10, 2010 by J-Wire
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The Executive Council of Australian Jewry and the Zionist Federation of Australia have condemned unreservedly the statements made yesterday in a petition by 40 municipal Rabbis in Israel to forbid renting homes to non-Jews.

In a joint statement, Dr Danny Lamm, president of the ECAJ and Philip Chester, president of the ZFA said:

“Those statements are antithetical to Jewish values and contrary both to the letter and spirit of Israel’s Declaration of Independence which guarantees complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex.

The ECAJ and ZFA welcome the denunciation of the statement by Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and by some of the most eminent Rabbis in Israel who have said that the statement constitutes a serious distortion of Judaism, and is against basic human morality.

Israel remains the only country in the Middle East in which public statements of bigotry from any source and against any target are met with immediate repudiation from senior mainstream political and religious leaders.”


2 Responses to “Australian Jewish Leaders attack Israeli Rabbis’ Housing Petition”
  1. Michael says:

    Its lucky we Jews don’t have to hold our breathe waiting for Islamic community leaders, spokespersons, PR Propagandists [ i.e Waleed Aly] and Islamic media to quickly publicly and loudly condemn the daily anti -Semitic, anti- Israel or anti- America rhetoric that comes out of the mouths of their so called religious leaders..

    No doubt Jews wild argue we are better than that, is not expected from our people and our standards are higher… if only the rest of the world would acknowledge that type of self promotion or patronizing !

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