2016 Australia Day Awards

January 26, 2016 by J-Wire Staff
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J-Wire extends congratulations to all members of the Jewish community and to those who place a high value on their Jewish heritage who have been honoured today by their country…

One honoured received honour for her work in pursuing the betterment of mental health services and suicide prevention…and an art dealer whose chance meeting with an Aboriginal elder in 1980 pioneered the speciality of dealing in Aboriginal art



Geraldine BROOKS, Vineyard Haven, MA 02568, United States of America

Geraldine Brooks

Geraldine Brooks

For distinguished service to literature as a leading author, as an advocate for improved Indigenous literacy, as a role model for young writers, and as a journalist.

Ms Brooks is an Australian-American author who has written a number of fiction and non-fiction books. She was previously a Middle East Correspondent for the ‘Wall Street Journal’ (1980s-1990s) and covered crises in the Middle East, Africa and the Balkans.

Publications include:


‘The Secret Chord’, 2015.

‘Caleb’s Crossing‘, 2011.

‘People of the Book’, 2008.

March‘, 2005.

‘Year of Wonders’, 2001.


The Idea of Home, Boyer Lectures, 2011.

‘Foreign Correspondence: A Pen Pal’s Journey’, 1997.

‘Nine Parts of Desire: The Hidden World of Islamic Women’, 1994.

Reporter, The Sydney Morning Herald newspaper, 1979-1982, specialising in environmental issues.

Community service includes:

Ambassador, Indigenous Literacy Foundation, 2008-2015.

Invited to present the 52nd Boyer Lectures, Australian Broadcasting Commission, 2011.

Awards and recognition include:

Recipient, Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, 2006 for ‘March‘.

Recipient, Australian Book of the Year Award and Australian Literary Fiction Award, Australian Book Industry Awards, 2008 for ‘People of the Book‘.

Recipient, Honorary Doctor of Literature, University of Sydney, 2007.

Recipient, Lifetime Achievement Award, Dayton Literary Peace Prize, 2010.

Recipient, Sarah Josepha Hale Medal, Richard Frees Library, Newport, New Hampshire, USA, 2010.

Recipient, Peggy V. Helmerich Distinguished Author Award, Tulsa Library Trust, 2009.

Recipient, Nita B Kibble Literary Award for Women’s Writing, 1999 for ‘Foreign Correspondence‘.

Recipient, International Journalism Award for Excellence in UN Reporting, Korn Ferry International, 1994.

Recipient, Hal Boyle Award for Best Print Coverage of Gulf War, Overseas Press Club of America, 1991.

Recipient, Greg Shackleton Australian News Correspondent Scholarship to Columbia University, USA, 1982.


Professor David Leon COPOLOV OAM, Chancellery Building B, 36 Exhibition Walk, Monash University, Clayton Vic 3800

Professor David Copolov

Professor David Copolov

For distinguished service to tertiary education administration, to medicine in the field of psychiatry, to mental health research, and to the community.

Service includes:

Academic appointments:

Monash University:

Pro Vice-Chancellor, Major Campuses and Student Engagement, since 2009

Professor of Psychiatry, since 1996

Honorary Professor of Physiology, since 2005

University of Melbourne:

Professor (Honorary Professorial Fellow), Department of Psychiatry, since 1992

Fellow, Queen’s College, since 2002

Fellow, St Hilda’s College, since 2005

Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health:

Governor and Honorary Professorial Fellow, since 2012 and Neuroscience Legend, since 2013.

Board Directorships:

Board Director, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, since 2008.

Board Director, Royal Women’s Hospital Melbourne, since 2014.

Board Director, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre (2004-2013)

Deputy Chair, (2007-2013)

Chairman, Research Advisory Committee (2005-2010)

Member, Grants Allocation Committee, since 2005

Research Directorships:

Executive Director, Mental Health Research Institute of Victoria (1985-2004)

Co-Director, NHMRC Schizophrenia Research Unit (1988 – 1996)

Chief Investigator, NHMRC Brain Network into Mental Disorders (1994-2000)

Board Member of Philanthropic Foundations:

Trustee, Finkel Philanthropic Foundation, since 2002

Monash Medical Foundation (2006-2014)

Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre Foundation (2004-2013)

Other Appointments have included:

Chair, Research Advisory Committee (2012-2014) and Member, Medical Appointments Committee (since 2007), Forensicare (Victorian Institute of Forensic Mental Health)

President, Australasian Society for Psychiatric Research, (1991-1993)

Director, Bio21 Cluster (now Biomedical Research Victoria), 2008-2013

Medical College Fellowships:

Fellow, Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, since 1982

Fellow, Royal Australasian College of Physicians, since 1983

Author of more than 230 publications and book chapters.

Professor David Copolov told J-Wire: “I’m really delighted, deeply honoured and very grateful. Grateful to those who nominated me and also grateful for being able to work with wonderful colleagues at Monash University, in psychiatry and psychiatric research and on the boards of specialist hospitals and research organisations. I sincerely hope that I can make meaningful contributions in all of these fields in the years to come.”


Professor Henry Isaac ERGAS, Kingston ACT 2604

Professor Henry Ergas

Professor Henry Ergas

For distinguished service to infrastructure economics, and to higher education, to public policy development and review, and as a supporter of emerging artists.

Service includes:

Inaugural Professor of Infrastructure Economics, SMART Research Centre, University of Wollongong, since 2009.

Senior Economic Adviser, Deloitte Access Economics, 2009-2014.

Member, Advisory Board, Centre of Regulatory Economics, Australian National University, since 2004.

Adjunct Professor, School of Economics, National University of Singapore, since 2004.

Editorial Board Member, The Review of Network Economics, since 2002.

Member, Vertigan Expert Panel, National Broadband Network Review, 2013.

Member, Defence Industry Policy Review, Defence Materiel Organisation, 2006.

Member, Prime Minister’s Task Force on Export Infrastructure, 2005.

Chair, Intellectual Property and Competition Review Committee, Department of Attorney-General, 1999-2000.

Member, Advisory Panel on Telecommunications Reform to the Minister for Communications and the Arts, 1997.

Chairman, Concept Economics, 2008-2009.

Vice-President and Regional Head, Asia Pacific, CRA International, 2004-2007.

Managing Director, Network Economics Consulting Group (NEGG) Australia, 1996-2004.

Counsellor for Structural Policy, Economics Department, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), France, 1991-1993 and Head, Secretary-General’s Task Force on Structural Adjustment, 1978-1987.

Founding Head, Information and Communication Technology Studies Centre, Monash University, 1987-1991.

Philanthropic service includes:

Founder, The Ergas Collection, since 2000, (a not-for-profit company which supports the work of emerging artists).

Director and Benefactor, Red Room Company, since 2007.

Benefactor, Australian National University School of Art, since 2005.

Benefactor, Radford College Art Show, 2011-2013.

Benefactor, Queensland Art Gallery, 2010.

Benefactor, Museum of Contemporary Art, 2009.

Benefactor, Art Gallery of New South Wales, 2009.

Benefactor, Wollongong City Gallery, 2011.

Board Member, Australian National University Visual Arts Foundation, 2010-2013.

Henry Ergas told J-Wire: “It has been and remains an immense privilege to contribute as best I can to this country’s economic and social life. Having come to Australia as a young migrant from Europe, it strikes me as almost miraculous that we remain such a vibrant, diverse and successful society — and the many difficulties that afflict Europe only make me more aware of how blessed we are. That is not to minimise the challenges: we face, I fear, a global rise in antisemitism, often thinly disguised as anti-zionism, that has already spilled over into Australia.

Meeting that threat requires continuing vigilance and an uncompromising willingness to tackle this recrudescence, in all its many forms, whenever they arise. But while those threats are deeply disturbing, we can take comfort and pride from the next generation, which has so many young Australians truly committed to the spirit that has allowed this country’s Jewish community to make the contribution it has. Looking at my own son fills me with optimism every day, and I am convinced that no matter how daunting the prospect, this community will continue to bring to the kaleidoscope that is Australia its own bright rays of light.al to me.”


Emeritus Professor Douglas Edgar JOSHUA AM  Double Bay NSW 2028

For distinguished service to medicine, and to medical education, as an haematologist and academic, to myeloma research, and to public health organisations.

Service includes:

Professor Douglas Joshua

Professor Douglas Joshua

Emeritus Professor in Haematology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sydney, since 2014.

Alan Ng Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sydney, 1996-2014.

Director, Institute of Haematology, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, 1995-2014.

New South Wales Health Ministry:

Executive Clinical Adviser, Haematology, Sydney Local Health District, since 2014.

Co-Chair, Blood Clinical and Scientific Advisory Committee, since 2010.

Chair, Patient Blood Management and Transfusion Committee, current.

Chair, Fresh Blood Products Advisory Committee, 2007-2010.

Chairman, Human Ethics Committee, Australian Red Cross Blood Service, since 2009.

Scientific Advisor, National Foundation for Medical Research and Innovation, since 2014.

Scientific Advisor, International Myeloma Foundation and Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation, since 1996.

Chairman, Blood Watch Program, Clinical Excellence Commission, current.

Member, Research Committee, Australian and New Zealand Society of Blood Transfusion, since 1998 and Member, since 1985.

Inaugural Chairman, Medical and Scientific Advisory Group, Myeloma Foundation of Australia, 2006-2008.

Councillor, International Myeloma Society, current.

Fellow, Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia, current and Distinguished Fellow, 2015.

Fellow, Royal Australasian College of Physicians, current.

Past Member, Human Ethics Committee, Royal Australasian College of Ophthalmology.

Awards and recognition include:

Recipient, Robert A Kyle Lifetime Achievement Award, International Myeloma Foundation, 2011.

Recipient, Kanematsu Memorial Award, Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia, 2005.

Professor Douglas Joshua told J-Wire: “I am very humbled by this but I am also very pleases to see it as recognition of my continuing work.”


Professor Leon MANN, Malvern Vic 3144

For distinguished service to the humanities and social sciences, to tertiary education and professional organisations, and to Jewish history and culture.

Service includes:

Professor Leon Mann

Professor Leon Mann

University of Melbourne:

Founding Director, Research Leadership Unit, Melbourne Research Office, since 2009.

Co-Creator, Research Mentors Program, 2010.

Founding Director, Centre for Research and Development Leadership, 2003-2008.

Founding Chair, Advisory Board, Centre for Jewish History and Culture, 2008-2015

Professorial Fellow, School of Psychological Sciences, since 2003.

Pratt Family Professor of Leadership and Decision Making, Melbourne Business School, 1991-2002.

Professor of Psychology, Flinders University, South Australia  1973 -1990.

Senior Lecturer, University of Sydney, 1971 -1972.

Assistant Professor of Social Psychology, Department of Social Relations, Harvard University, United States of America, 1968-1970.

Honorary Life Governor, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2012

Honorary Fellow, Hebrew University of Jerusalem 2011.

Visiting Flagships Fellowship, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, 2008-2009.

Senior Fellowship, Australian Research Council, 1991-1995.

Fellowship, Japan Foundation, 1984.

Senior Fulbright Scholar, Australian-American Education Foundation, 1975.

Academy of Social Sciences in Australia (ASSA):

President, 2001-2003. Fellow 1975-, Honorary Fellow 2006, Jubilee Fellow 2015

Founding Co-Director, Summer School for Indigenous Post Graduate Research Students, 2002-2005.

Co-Convener, CSIRO-ASSA Symposium, 2008 and 2002.

President, Australian Psychological Society, 1987-1988

Fellow, 1987 – 2002

Editor, ‘Australian Journal of Psychology’, 1981-1986.

Founding Chair, Excellence in Research and Development Collaboration Awards Committee, Business/Higher Education Round Table (B-HERT), 1998-2007

Chair, Leadership Task Force, 1993-1994.

Member, Excellence in Research and Education Awards Committee, Cooperative Research Centres Association, 2003.-2010

Member, National Research Priorities Expert Advisory Committee and Enhancement Advisory Group, 2001-2003

Member, Humanities and Social Sciences Advisory Panel, Australian Research Council, 1988-1991

Author of a range of publications including over 34 book chapters and 130 journal articles.

Member, Editorial Board, of a range of publications including:

‘The Review of Personality & Social Psychology’.

‘Journal of Behavioural Decision Making’.

‘Cross Cultural Psychology Monographs’.

‘International Journal of Leadership Education’.

A Professorial Fellow in the Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences, University Melbourne School of Melbourne and the founding Director of the University’s Research Leadership Unit, Professor Mann has helped advance knowledge in psychology and the social sciences, built links between the social sciences and natural sciences and fostered relationships between higher education and industry.

He told J-Wire: “As a proud Australian, I am honoured to be recognised with this wonderful award on Australia Day.   My immigrant parents who in 1927 came to Australia from Europe would never have imagined such an honour for their child. Australia is a special place of fairness, decency and opportunity in an increasingly troubled world. We must protect these values for our children and for following generations. I have been fortunate as an educator and researcher to work with outstanding colleagues in great Universities and to be entrusted to teach and mentor young people to acquire knowledge and build their careers. I am mindful of that great privilege and responsibility. I have tried to repay in some way the benefits and rewards of living in this wonderful country.”


Dr Michael Charles PRYLES AM, Toorak Vic 3142


Dr Michael Pryles

For distinguished service to the law in the area of arbitration, at the national and international level, and to legal education as an academic and author.

Foundation President, Court of Arbitration, Singapore International Arbitration Centre, 2013-2015 and Member, since 2015 and Chairman, 2009-2013.

Member, International Advisory Board, Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre, current.

Governing Board Member, International Council for Commercial Arbitration, since 2007 and Member, Congress Committee, since 2012.

International Advisory Board, Vienna International Arbitral Centre (Austria), current.

Member, Board of Trustees, Dubai International Arbitration Centre (United Arab Emirates), 2008-2012.

Court Member, London Court of International Arbitration (UK), 2003-2008.

Co-Chair, ICC Asia Arbitration Commission, International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), 2015 and Chair, ICC Australian Committee, 2002-2007 and former Member, International Court of Arbitration (France).

Commissioner, United Nations Compensation Commission, 1996-2004 and Chairman, Special Panel for Palestinian Late Claims, 2002-2004.

Member, Arbitral Panel, International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (World Bank, USA), since 1995.

Member, External Advisory Board, Center on International Commercial Arbitration, American University Washington College of Law, current.

Foundation President, Asia Pacific Regional Arbitration Group, 2004-2006.

President, Australian Centre for International Commercial Arbitration, 1996-2008 and Director, 1996-2012.

Director, Australian Commercial Dispute Centre, circa 2003-2008.

Past President, Australian Product Liability Association.

Chairman, Transport Ticketing Authority, Victorian Department of Transport, 2004-2009 and Deputy Chair/Director, Transport Accident Commission, 1994-2003 and Chairman, Audit and Remuneration Committees.

Director, WorkCover Victoria, 1998-2003 and Chair, Investment Committee.

Partner, Minter Ellison, 1989-2003.

Academic service has included:

Henry Bournes Higgins Professor of Law, Monash University, 1986-1988.

Adjunct Professor, Murdoch University, Western Australia, ‘no dates’.

Adjunct Professor, University of Queensland, ‘no dates’.

Professorial Associate, University of Melbourne, ‘no dates’.

Adjunct Professor, Bond University, Queensland, ‘no dates’.

Author and/or co-author of a range of publications including 10 books, book chapters and over 150 articles.

Past General Editor, Asian International Arbitration Journal.

Past Editorial Board Member, Commercial Dispute Resolution Journal.

Past Co-Editor, Journal of International Arbitration, ‘no dates’.

Fellow, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (UK).

Fellow, Institute of Arbitrators and Mediators Australia.

Fellow, Arbitrators and Mediators Institute of New Zealand.

Fellow, Singapore Institute of Arbitrators.

Chartered Arbitrator (UK); Grade 1 Arbitrator, Australia.

Awards and recognition include:

Recipient, Pingat Bakti Masyarakat (Public Service Medal), Singapore, 2013.

Michael Pryles was the legal adviser to Alan Stockdale, treasurer in the Victorian government headed by Jeff Kennett. He continues to works in high-level international arbitration.

He told J-Wire: “I am delighted to be recognised for the work I have done. It makes me think what a fortunate person I am.”



Peter David FREEDMAN, Strathfield NSW 2135

Peter Freedman

Peter Freedman

For significant service to business, manufacturing and export in the professional audio sector, and through philanthropic support for cultural events.

Service includes:

Managing Director, RODE Microphones (formerly Freedman Electronics Pty Ltd established, 1967), since 1987.

Member, Advisory Board, UTS Business School, University of Technology Sydney, current.

Major Sponsor and Founding Donor, 40th Anniversary Fund, Sydney Festival; and Supporter, Black Diggers collaboration.

Exclusive sponsor and collaborator, Peter Freedman and RODE Microphones Educational Scholarship for Australian Business, Export Council of Australia.

Participant, IMCRC (Innovative Manufacturing Cooperative Research Centre).

Member, Australian Advanced Manufacturing Council (AAMC).

Awards and recognition include:

Recipient, Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year, 2014. National Industry Category Winner.

Recipient, Red Dot Award, Best of the Best, 2015.

Recipient, Red Dot Award, 2015, 2014 and 2013.

Recipient, Australian Manufacturing Exporter of the Year,  Export Council of Australia, 2013.

Recipient, New South Wales Exporter of the Year, 1999, 2012, and 2014.

Recipient, Australian Unlimited Export Award, 2013.

Recipient, Australian Design award winner, 2014, 2012, 2009 and 2007.

Recipient, Australian Design Award, best in category, 2015.

Peter Freedman told J-Wire: “I arrived in Sydney as a child in 1966 from my native Sweden. My father was from London. Mum was Swedish. They met in London, and moved to Stockholm in the late 50’s.

The award also means a great deal to me as i never thought I would be so successful world-wide in my chosen field of professional audio.

I am so very proud to be Australian, and equally proud of my Jewish heritage”.


Professor Mark FRYDENBERG, Caulfield North Vic 3161

For significant service to medicine as a clinician, educator and author in the speciality of urology, and to professional medical organisations.

Professor Mark Frydenberg

Professor Mark Frydenberg

Monash University – Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences:

Clinical Professor, Department of Surgery, Southern Clinical School, Monash Health, since 2012 and Clinical Associate Professor, 1997-2012.

Clinical Professor, Clinical Director, Prostate Research Group, Department of Anatomy and Developmental Biology, since 2012.

Chair, Department of Urology, Monash Health, since 1997.

Inaugural Chair, Institute of Specialty Surgery, Epworth Healthcare, 2012-2014.

Practitioner, Cabrini Health, Masada Hospital.

Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand:

President, since 2015 and President-Elect, 2013-2015.

Chair, Urological Oncology Special Interest Group, 2007-2013

Convenor, Annual Scientific Meeting, 2009

Secretary, Victorian Representative, 1997-2000.

Board Member, Andrology Australia, 2000-2013.

Board Member, Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia, since 2015.

Board Member, Cancer Research Centre – Epworth, since 2014.

Member, Executive Committee, World Urologic Oncology Federation, 2010-2015.

Member, Executive Committee, Asia Pacific Society of Urologic Oncology, 2013-2015.

Principal Investigator, CaPITV collaboration (Cancer of the Prostate, Translational Research in Victoria, Victorian Cancer Agency), Monash University, 2012-2014.

Member, Urology Craft Group, Cabrini Health, 2010-2015.

Member, Education sub-committee, Prostate Cancer Foundation Australia, ‘no dates’.

Member, Steering Committee, Victorian Prostate Cancer Registry, since 2010.

Member, Steering Committee, Australian and New Zealand Prostate Cancer Outcomes Registry, since 2014.

Member, Steering Committee, Irish Prostate Cancer Registry, since 2014.

Member, Urological Study Committee, Cancer Council Victoria, 2000-2009.

Member, Steering Committee, Australian Prostate and Urogenital Trials Group, 2010.

Member, Urologic Oncology Group, Southern Metropolitan Integrated Cancer Service, ‘no dates’.

Editorial Boards:

Member, BJU International, 2009-2013.

Member, World Journal of Urology, since 2015.

Member, Urologic Oncology, seminars and original investigations, since 2014.

Authored or Co-authored over 130 peer reviewed journal articles.


Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand.

Clinical Oncology Society of Australia.

American Urological Association.

Urological Association of Asia.

British Association of Urological Surgeons.

Society of Urologic Oncology.

European Urological Association.

Endourological Society.

Professor Frydenberg is a clinical Professor at Monash Health, President of the Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand, an author and co-author of over 130 peer reviewed journal articles, lecturer, active researcher and public speaker. He is an advocate of raising awareness for men’s health issues, in particular prostate cancer.

He told J-Wire: “I am very humbled to receive this award. It is my career and passion to look after men with serious illnesses such as prostate cancer, as well as a variety of other potential health issues such as depression and diabetes to name a few. It is an honour to be recognised for my work and I hope that it will help to raise an awareness of issues where men have traditionally reacted with a ‘she’ll be right mate’ attitude.”


Kim Lindsay JACOBS, Sydney NSW 2000

Kim Jacobs

Kim Jacobs

For significant service to business through a range of senior roles, to Australia-Israel relations, to higher education, and to the community.

Service includes:

President, NSW Division, Australian Israel Chamber of Commerce, 2002-2015 and Board Member, since 1996.

Member, Business School Advisory Board, University of Technology Sydney, since 2013.

Director, Weizmann Australia Institute of Science, 2010-2011.

Director, Shalom Institute, University of New South Wales, 2000-2003.

Director of a range of companies, including:

Founder and Managing Director, Inteq Limited, since 1988.

Chairman, Online Media Holdings Ltd, since 2011.

Director, Mears Australia Pty Ltd, since 2014.

Director, I-Teq Management Pty Ltd, 2001-2007.

Non-Executive Director, Concept Systems Ltd, 1999-2002.

Director, Bellfields Resources Pty Ltd, 1992-2002.

Director, Bam Resources Pty Ltd, 1992-2001.

Director, First Investor Pty Ltd, 1998-2002.

Director, Hepco Pty Ltd, 1999-2002.

Community service includes:

Chairman, Camp Quality, since 2014 and Board Member, since 2013.

Awards and recognition include:

Recipient, Israel Trade Award, Israel Trade Commission, 2013.

Kim Jacobs told J-Wire: “This is something I never expected or never asked for. I have been involved in charity work since from the age of 16. However it’s nice to be recognised and it means a lot to me to have been recognised for what I have been involved in.”


Professor Gustav [Gus] Isaac LEHRER, School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Sydney NSW 2006

For significant service to tertiary mathematics education as an academic and researcher, and to professional and community groups.

Professor Gus Lehrer Photo: Henry Benjamin

Professor Gus Lehrer     Photo: Henry Benjamin

Service includes:

University of Sydney:

Professor of Pure Mathematics, since 1990.

Inaugural Head, School of Mathematics and Statistics, 1991-1994.

Senior Lecturer in Mathematics, 1974-1990.

Professorial Head, Centre for Mathematics and its Applications, Australian National University, 1996-1998.

Governor and Lecturer, Tel Aviv University, since 1996 where he sits on the International Board of Governors,

Australian Research Council:

Chief Investigator and Assessor, since 2002.

Professorial Fellowship, 2005-2009.

Senior Research Fellow, 1999-2004.

Member, Mathematics, Information and Communication Sciences Expert Advisory Committee, 2001-2002.

Fellow, Australian Academy of Science, since 1998 and Member, Mathematical Sciences Sectional Committee, 2007-2010.

Member, Australian Mathematical Society.

Board Member, New Zealand Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.

President, Sydney Jewish Museum, since 2010 and Member, since 1992.

Chairman, Australian Institute for Holocaust Studies, current.

Governor, Emanuel School, Sydney, current.

Member, Jewish Communal Appeal Allocations Committee, 2005-2008.

Member, Australian-Israel Chamber of Commerce.

Trustee, Sydney Grammar School, since 1994.

Awards and recognition include:

Recipient, Hannan Medal, Australian Academy of Science, 2015.

Recipient, Humboldt Research Award, Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation, Germany, 1999.

Gus Lehrer was awarded the Hannan Medal for solving a 75-year-old problem.

He told J-Wire: “It is very pleasing to be recognised by one’s peers. This award has a very special meaning for me.”


The Honourable Louis Stuart LIEBERMAN, Wodonga Vic 3689

For significant service to the Parliaments of Australia and Victoria through a range of portfolio responsibilities, and to the community of Albury/Wodonga.

Lou Lieberman

Lou Lieberman

Service includes:

Parliament of Australia:

Federal Member for Indi, 1993-2001.

Parliamentary Secretary to the Leader of the Opposition, 1994-1996.

Chairman, Commonwealth Resolution of Complaints Committee for Aged Care, 2006-2007 and Member, 2003-2006.

Chairman, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs, 1996-2001.

Member, Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade, 1993-2001.

Parliament of Victoria:

State Member for Benambra, 1976-1992

Shadow Minister for Water Resources, Property and Services, 1988-1990.

Shadow Minister for Further Education, 1985-1987.

Shadow Minister for Health, 1982-1985.

Minister for Minerals and Energy and Minister for Mines, 1981.

Minister for Local Government, 1981-1982.

Minister for Planning, 1979-1982.

Assistant Minister for Health, 1979-1981.

Community service includes:

Director, Hume Building Society, 1998-2011.

Chair, Business Awards Group, Albury, Northside and Wodonga Chamber of Commerce, 2009-2012.

Chairman, Mercy Health, Building Appeal, Albury, 2004-2006.

Council Member, La Trobe University, 1998-2000.

Founding Chairman, Upper Murray Family Care Board, 1985-1992 and Life Member.

Chairman, Red Shield Appeal, Salvation Army, 1979-1981.

Life Governor, Wodonga and District Hospital and President, 1975-1976 and Board Member, 1967-1977.

Member, Albury Wodonga Consultative Committee, 1973-1975.

Fellow, Australian Institute of Company Directors, since 1990.

Barrister and Solicitor, 1961-1985.

Chair, Albury/Wodonga Health, since 2014.

Lou Lieberman told J-Wire: “I am very proud of my Jewish heritage. I am thrilled and humbled to receive this award and I appreciate the recognition. I particularly playing a part in community work. It has been a great journey for me.”


Bruce Anthony POLLACK, Paddington NSW 2021

For significant service to the community in the areas of social welfare and public health.

Bruce Pollack

Bruce Pollack       Photo: Henry Benjamin

Service includes:

Chief Executive Officer, Bruce Pollack Publicity; Founder, 1982.

Past Consultant Publicist, AIDS Council of NSW, and Honorary Returning Officer.

Member, NSW Mental Health Information Service Reference Group.

Co-ordinator, 5 National publicity campaigns for AIDS Awareness Week and World AIDS Day, Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations.

Group Training Facilitator, Gay and Lesbian Counselling Service, 1985-1994, and Secretary, many years, and current Member, and Life Member.

Inaugural Publicist, Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras, 1984, and Board Member or Secretary, 1986-2000, and Honorary Returning Officer, and Consultant Publicist, and appointed to the Hall of Fame, 1994.

Founding Member and Chair, Aurora Group A Ruby Foundation, 1990-1995 and Trustee, since 1995.

Past Consultant Publicist and Honorary Returning Officer, Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby.

Member, PRIDE Publicity Campaigns, current.

Consultant Publicist, Drag Industry Variety Awards, 9 years.

Co-Founder and Board Member, AIDS Trust of Australia, 1988-1995.

Founder, Gay Fathers, 1986.

Past Director, Gay and Lesbian Financial Institutions Research Project.

Past Vice-President, Gay and Lesbian Business Association.

Founding Shareholder, Sydney Star Observer Newspaper.

Deputy Chair, Friends of the Australian Ballet, since 2008 and Member, since 2006.

Director, Theatresports Pty Ltd, current.

General Manager, Nimrod Theatre Company, 1980-1982.

Member, Public Relations Institute of Australia College of Fellows.

Awards and recognition include:

Outstanding Achievement by an Individual, Drag Industry Variety Awards, 2002.

Inaugural Outstanding Gay or Lesbian Community Leader Award, Gay and Lesbian Business Association, 2004.

Inducted into the Stonewall Hall of Fame, 2001.

Bruce Pollack told J-Wire: “I was brought up in Melbourne where my parents were very involved with the St Martin’s theatre and took me regularly from the age of five. They instilled me the importance of charity work and they were very involved in the Frances Barkman Homes established by my great-aunt which looked after orphaned Jewish babies after the Second World War. I last visited a synagogue in 1980 in Sydney when a rabbi preached that ‘those who are homosexual are dead to the religion’. I remain a devout Jewish theist but I have not visited a synagogue since. This reward is a wonderful recognition of the work I have done within and for the gay community.”


Dr Lyon Phillip ROBINSON, NSW

For significant service to medicine, particularly as a pioneer in the field of ophthalmic surgery.

Dr Lyon Robinson Photo: Henry Benjamin/J-Wire

Dr Lyon Robinson Photo: Henry Benjamin/J-Wire

Service includes:

Head of Corneal Unit, Sydney Eye Hospital, many years, and Ophthalmic Surgeon, 1968-2013.

Principal, Sydney Laser and Vision Centre, current.

Fund raiser and advocate, Lions New South Wales Eye Bank, 1980s.

Involved in the advancement of ophthalmic surgical techniques and technology and their introduction in Australia, including:

The use of an operating microscope for eye surgery, 1968.

The introduction of a Trabeculectomy operation for Glaucoma, 1973.

The first combined cataract and Glaucoma operations, 1974.

The first Intraocular Lens Implant for cataracts, Sydney Eye Hospital, 1976.

Performance of the first Refractive Surgery-Radial Keratotomy, 1982.

Fellow, Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists, since 1968 and Examiner, ‘for 10 years’.

Fellow, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, since 1968

Member, Australian Society of Ophthalmologists, since 1968.

Dr Lyon Robinson told J-Wire: “This award came as a complete surprise. Over the years I always felt rewarded each time we performed successful procedures and operations which improved a patient’s vision. I feel a little sad that my wife did not live to share this moment.”


Professor Ego SEEMAN, Department of Endocrinology, Level 2 Centaur Wing, Repatriation Campus, Waterdale Road, Heidelberg Vic 3081

Professor Ego Seeman

Professor Ego Seeman

For significant service to medicine, as a researcher in the fields of osteoporosis and endocrinology, and as a clinician and academic.

Service includes:

Professor of Medicine and Endocrinologist, Austin Health, University of Melbourne, over 30 years, and Head, Seeman Group, current.

President, Australian and New Zealand Bone and Mineral Society, several years.

Editorial Board Member, ‘BoneKey’, International Bone and Mineral Society, several years.

Member, Editorial Board, ‘Journal of Bone and Mineral Research’, American Society for Bone and Mineral Research, 1996-2014, and Associate Editor, 7th and 8th editions, ‘Primer on the Metabolic Bone Diseases and Disorders of Mineral Metabolism’, 2008 and 2013.

Board Member, International Osteoporosis Foundation; several years, and Associate Editor, ‘Osteoporosis International’, since 2006, and Editor, ‘Progress in Osteoporosis’ (quarterly), since 1993.

Fellow, Royal Australasian College of Physicians, 1978, and Member, Adult Medicine Division, current, and Member, Board of Specialities, prior to 2005.

Awards and recognition include:

Co-Recipient, ‘Career Achievement Award’, Australian and New Zealand Bone and Mineral Society, 2014.

John Haddad Award, ‘for outstanding lifetime achievements in clinical research’, International Bone and Mineral Society, 2010.

Foundation Medal, ‘for Outstanding Investigation in Osteoporosis Research’, International Osteoporosis Foundation, 2009.

Recipient, ‘Medical Research Foundation Distinguished Scientist Award’, Austin Hospital, 2008.

Frederick C Bartter Award, ‘for outstanding lifetime achievements in clinical research’, American Society for Bone and Mineral Research, 2002.

A Professor of Medicine and Endocrinologist at the Austin Hospital for over 30 years, Professor Seeman is a leader in the field Endocrinology, Bone Disease and Osteoporosis. Most notably in 2002, he was the recipient of the Fred C. Bartter Award from the American Society of Bone Mineral Research. During its 24 years existence, only seven investigators outside the USA have received this award.

He told J-Wire: “It’s a great honour to be given recognition for things that you love to do, but I do not believe that success is achieved alone. There is a lot of chance involved, as well as support from those around you. My mentors have given me the chance to learn, however, this honour really belongs to my wife. She has given me the support and opportunity to forget about shopping, posting stamps and other everyday factors, which enabled me to focus on my work, which is my passion.”




Frank Morris [Bill] BENJAMIN,  Clifton Qld 4361

Bill Benjamin

Bill Benjamin

For service to the merino sheep industry in Queensland.

Service includes:

Queensland Merino Stud Sheep Breeders’ Association:

Council Member, 1973-2013.

Chairman, 1975-1976.

Secretary, 1980-2013.

Honorary Associate Member, 1986.

Life Member, 2014.

Chairman, Queensland Branch, Poll Merino Breeders Association, 1975-1976.

Chief Steward, Royal Agricultural Society of Queensland – Toowoomba Royal Show, ‘for many years’.

Bill Benjamin told J-Wire: “I am very proud of my Jewish heritage and forbears. I was born in Brisbane where my father was a chemist. I had schoolfriend who had outback properties and I fell in love with country life. How lucky I am for being able to do what I always wanted to do. This award means so much to me.”


Leonard Benjamin BOGATIN, East Malvern Vic 3145

For service to athletics.

Len Bogatin

Len Bogatin

Service includes:

President, Maccabi Athletic Club, since 1990; Vice-President, 1981-1989.

Sports Organiser, Team Manager, Coach and Committee Member, 38 years.

Athlete/Competitor, 1967-1986.

Club Official, 1986-2015.

Club Member, since 1967.

Member, Standards and Selections Committee, Maccabiah Games, 1977-2013.

Team Manager, on three occasions.

Organiser/Convenor, Victorian Junior Jewish Athletic Championships, 8 times.

Captain, Ajax Maccabi Athletic Club Team of the Century, 2002.

Inductee, Maccabi Victoria Hall of Fame, Maccabi Victoria, 2000.

Maccabi Victoria Perpetual Award named in his honour, 2010.

Member, Blue Zone Committee, Athletics Victoria, current.

International, National, State and Regional Athletics Competitor, 1967-1986.

Competitor (3 Gold Medals, 3 Silver Medals and 2 Bronze Medals), Maccabiah Games, 1981, 1977 and 1973.

Has won the most Maccabiah Games medals by an Australian track and field athlete since Australia’s involvement in the Games.

Awards and recognition include:

Recipient, Volunteer Recognition Program Award, ‘for service beyond 10 years’, City of Glen Eira, 2008.

Recipient, Australian Sports Medal, 2000.

A previous recipient of the Volunteer Recognition Program award ‘for services beyond 10 years’ from the city of Glen Eira and Recipient of the Australian Sports Medal 2000, Mr Bogatin has been involved in the sporting industry for almost 50 years and is currently the President of the Maccabi Athletic Club.

Len Bogatin told J-Wire: “Like most recipients, you do not expect to be given an award for doing something you love, however, it is appreciated. After almost 50 years as a competitor, official, coach and club president, I still get a thrill out of seeing young Jewish athletes competing, training and aspiring to do something they enjoy. They don’t have to be world champions, rather, it’s all about the social interaction, relaxation and physical fitness.”


Dianne GADDIN,  Bondi NSW 2026

For service to mental health through a range of support organisations.

Dianne Gaddin Photo: Henry Benjamin/J-Wire

Dianne Gaddin Photo: Henry Benjamin/J-Wire

Service includes:

Former and Board Member, Club Speranza – Australian Mental Health Suicide Consumer-Alliance, current.

Founder, Bondi Support Group and Member, Open Disclosure Support Group, since 2002.

Former, Member/supporter, Eastern Sydney Suicide Prevention Network.

Conference Presenter and supporter, Postvention Australia – The National Association for the Bereaved by Suicide, current.

Supporter/presenter, The Salvation Army Hope for Life Suicide Prevention and Bereavement Support Service, since 2014.

Voluntary Presenter/speaker and fund-raiser, The Black Dog Institute, since 2010.

Crisis Line Volunteer and supporter, Jewish House, current.

Advocate, Woollahra Municipal Council, initiatives to prevent suicide at South Head and at the Gap Park.

Past Member, The Friends of Callan Park.

Participant, Parliament of Australia, Senate Community Affairs Committee Inquiry into Suicide in Australia, 2009.

Participant, Parliament of Australia, Senate Community Affairs References Committee, Suicide in Australia, 2010.

Participant, Senate Inquiry on Mental Health, 2005.

Participant, NSW Parliament, Legislative Council, Select Committee on Mental Health: ‘Inquiry into Mental Health Services in New South Wales’, 2002.

Awards and recognition include:

Recipient, The Black Dog Institute, 2013, ‘for her role as community presenter and by assisting in attracting funds for various projects including ‘The Gap’ upgrade’.

Recipient, Honorary Award, Suicide Prevention Australia, 2010.

Finalist, Community Hero Award, Australian Jewish News, 2010.

Dianne Gaddin began her quest for the betterment of mental health services when her daughter was diagnosed with schizophrenia . Following her daughter’s suicide, she mounted a campaign to maximise security at The Gap at Sydney’s South Head…frequently used by suicide victims. She has campaigned for the betterment of mental health services taking her case to former Prime Ministers Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard. Diane Gaddin told J-Wire: “I can only hope that this award will add weight to my case and help with access to those who are in a position to improve mental health care.”


Dr Peter Bert GREENBERG, Royal Melbourne Hospital, Melbourne Vic 3050

Dr Peter Greenberg

Dr Peter Greenberg

For service to medicine, and to population health.

Service includes:

The Royal Melbourne Hospital:

Chair, General Medicine Service, 1992-2001.

Consultant Physician, since 1974.

Founding Director, HIV/AIDS Service, 1986-1991.

Physician, Bone and Mineral Service, 1987-2011.

Member, Clinical Epidemiology and Health Services Evaluation Unit, since 2003.

University of Melbourne:

Principal Fellow, School of Population Health, since 2005.

Principal Fellow, School of Medicine, since 1999.

Inaugural President, Australian Society of Consultant Physicians in General Medicine, 1993-1994.

Member, Board of Directors, Western Health and Chair, Quality Committee, 2001-2006.

Chair, Health Advisory Committee, National Health and Medical Research Council, 2006 and Member, 2002-2006.

Instrumental in the formation of, The Melbourne EpiCentre (collaborative Centre between Melbourne Health and the University of Melbourne for Clinical Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Health Service Evaluation), 2010.

Honorary Life Member, Internal Medicine Society of Australia and New Zealand, since 2003.

Fellow, Royal Australasian College of Physicians, since 1972.

Awards and recognition include:

John Sands Medal, Royal Australasian College of Physicians, 2010.

Dr Peter Greenberg has spent his life actively contributing to the advancement of the medical profession. The founding Director of the HIV/ AIDS service in 1986, Dr Greenberg has worked as a GP, served on many boards, been instrumental in the formation if the Melbourne Epi centre and taught clinical medicine to undergraduates and Postgraduates for many years.

He told J-Wire: “My first response was to think of the people I know who have done so much more than me to warrant this kind of thing. I am humbled by the award, knowing that there are more deserving people out there than me. Over the years I have worked with superb people and think how fortunate I am, to have been able to contribute to the lives of patients, carers and students.”


Dr Warren Frederick MARKS, Hill Top NSW 2575

For service to education.

Warren Marks

Warren Marks

Service includes:

Director of Learning, Leading Educators Around the Planet (LEAP), since 2009.

New South Wales Department of Education and Training:

Senior Project Officer, Exchange programs, since 2006; Project Officer, Illawarra Region, 2005 – 2006; Member, Graduate Recruitment program, 2005 – 2007; Principal Support Officer, 2004 – 2006; Principal, numerous public schools, 1965-1984.

Educational Consultant, Melbourne Graduate School of Education, The University of Melbourne, since 2012.

Practicum Supervisor, Newcastle University, 2007 – 2008.

Educator and Practicum Supervisor, Mitchell College of Advanced Education, 11 years.

Professional Affiliations:

Fellow, Australian College of Educators, 2014.

Fellow, New South Wales Branch, Australian Council of Educational Leaders, 1986.

Awards and recognition include:

Recipient, Frank Farrell award, New South Wales Principals’ Association, 2003; Life Member.

Recipient, Outstanding Achievement in Education Award, The Australian College of Educators and Wollongong University, 2002.

Warren Marks told J-Wire: “My father left school when he was 14 and through that learned how important education was and was a strong influence on my brother and myself. I am humbled and amazed to receive this award and I am glad I was able to fulfil my father’s focus on the importance of education.”


Adrian Rodney NEWSTEAD, Bondi Beach NSW 2026

Adrian Newstead Photo: Henry Benjamin

Adrian Newstead Photo: Henry Benjamin

For service to the museum and galleries sector, particularly through the promotion of Indigenous arts.

Service includes:

Founder and Executive Director, Coo-ee Aboriginal Art Gallery, since 1981.

Managing Director, Menzies Arts Brands, 2007-2010; Head, Aboriginal Arts Department, Lawson-Menzies, 2003-2007.

President, Art Consulting Association of Australia, 2011-2015.

Board Member, Aboriginal Benefits Foundation, since 2005.

Approved Valuer, Cultural Gifts Program, Australian Government.

Board Member, Aboriginal Tourism Australia, 2004-2005.

National President, Australian Indigenous Art Trade Association, 1998-2000 and 2001-2002; Board Member, 1998-2004; Founder, since 1996.

Foundation Member, Visual Art Export Panel, Austrade, 1990s.

Founder, Best in Sydney project, Craft Council of Australia.

Author, ‘The Dealer is the Devil’, Brandl and Schlesinger, 2014.

Adrian Newstead met Aboriginal elder Guboo Ted Thomas when visiting the South Coast of NSW in 1980. He told J-Wire: “We were discussing Aboriginal rights and he told me ‘you put Aboriginal art on the walls and leave the marches to us’. I have been doing that ever since . In the 80s and the 90s I used to drive to Alice Springs from Sydney and then all over the outback often three times a year clocking up over 5,000 kms each trip. I believe my gallery is the oldest in Australia specialising only in Aboriginal art. People often vilify the art dealers as the artists appear to continue to live in poverty. They don’t understand the Aboriginal culture. The artists distribute the money they earn throughout their communities. I once lived on a kibbutz in Israel where they do the same thing. But what they earn remains a drop in the bucket in terms of their needs. Today we have over 3,000 clients around the world and I hope the funds we generate will offer a model of reconciliation. This award means a great deal to me.”


Dr Jeffrey SHAPIRO, Caulfield South Vic 3162

Dr Jeffrey Shapiro

Dr Jeffrey Shapiro

For service to medicine as a general practitioner, and to the community.

Service includes:


General Medical Practitioner, Cheltenham, Victoria, since 1964.

Senior examiner, Victorian Faculty of Examiners, Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, current and Examiner, since 1989 and Life Examiner.

Medical Superintendent, Sandringham and District Hospital, 1973-1985 and Chairperson of Visiting Medical Staff, 1970-1973.

Honorary Club Doctor, St Kilda Football Club, 1966-1980.


President, Brighton Hebrew Congregation, 2009-2013 and Board member, ‘for more than 15 years’.

Member, B’nai B’rith Victoria, since 1975 and President, Mitzvah Unit, 1987 and President, Shalom Unit, 1982 and Volunteer, since 1970s.

Inaugural President, Rotary Club of Moorabbin Central, 1990; Charter Member, 1990-1996.

Awards and recognition include:

Recipient, Community Award, Jewish Community Council of Victoria, 2014.

The recipient of the 2014 Community Award, by the Jewish Community Council of Victoria, Dr Shapiro has been involved in many community organisations over the years, including Doctor for the St Kilda football club, Senior Examiner for the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and President of several Jewish boards such as Brighton Hebrew Congregation. Additionally he is working in his own private practice.

“Being nominated was a great surprise and honour. Although I have been involved in many organisations over the years, you don’t stop to think how much you have done about it. Rather, I believe that it is all about being proud to have a Jewish identity and giving back to the Jewish and wider community in general.”

This report was prepared by Toni Susskind and Henry Benjamin


2 Responses to “2016 Australia Day Awards”
  1. Ian Silver says:

    Mazeltov to all. I was saddened by Mr. Pollock’s comments about feeling unwelcome and discriminated against in synagogue. One would hope that there are many welcoming and open congregations in Australia and that attitudes have changed over the past 36 years. Certainly our (Masorti/Conservative) congregation in Ontario is welcoming to a diverse population, including GLBT members, and they are very valued.

  2. Lynne Newington says:

    Lovely to read the acknowledgents of wives.

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