Aussie students compete at the International Bible Quiz in Israel!

May 13, 2019 by Hayley Hadassin
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Australian’s Emanuel Cohavi and Shani Spielman from Kesser Torah College in Sydney have competed in the 56thInternational Bible Quiz.

Emanuel Cohavi (bottom right) who placed 9th in the Olami competition

The Quiz is part of a global project, which brings together students from across the world. This year the theme was “preserving unity, maintaining uniqueness.” The Australian contestants are selected out of the National Bible Quiz, organised by the Zionist Federation of Australia, and then go on to compete in Israel with the finals taking place last night on Yom Ha’atzmaut.

The winner this year was Yonatan Weissman, 18 from Jerusalem. Emanuel finished in 9thplace of the Olami (world) competition with contestants from Canada, South Africa, Mexico, the US and Argentina. Shani did very well and was a finalist in the Diaspora Competition.

Ginette Searle, ZFA CEO said: – “It is a privilege to watch the contestant’s level of knowledge and commitment to the Bible Quiz. Their preparation was extraordinary and the ZFA was proud to have them participate and represent us on the world stage in Israel.”

The International Bible Quiz (chidon tanach)is an opportunity for students from all over the world to compete on their knowledge of 400 pages of the Tanach and they are given the chance to take partin a Tanach Camp prior to the quiz with other participants from all over the world, they were also taken on tours through Israel and had the occasion to meet people from across the globe.


The quiz is run by the Education Department of the Israel Defence Force and was founded over 50 years ago by David Ben-Gurion. It has become a highlight of the Yom Ha’atzmaut celebrations in Israel with the Quiz televised live and the winners of the Israel and Diaspora quizzes receiving scholarships to top universities in Israel, presented to them by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

College Principal of Kesser Torah College, Roy Steinman commented: “My grateful thanks to the Zionist Federation of Australia for their facilitation and organisation of this very important and worthwhile competition. Having attended the Finals in Yerushalayim last year I can understand the incredible pride one feels when our Australian candidates answer the questions put to them, with the Australian flag displayed behind them in front of a packed auditorium and televised live to the whole of Israel on Yom Ha’atzmaut. Besides which, the educational value in studying the Tanach with such rigour in preparation for the competition is something they will value for the rest of their lives. Kol Hakavod to all our students from all schools who participated. Let’s try to make next year’s competition even stronger.”

We wish Shani and Emanuel Mazal Tov for their extraordinary effort in the Quiz!

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