Apology for Rabbi Meir Kluwgant
The president of child sexual abuse advocacy organisation has taken to Facebook to apologise for comments stating that a rabbi is unfit to work around children.

Rabbi Meir Shlomo Kluwgant
Danny Schwarz published in social media: “In or about July and August 2017, Tzedek Incorporated (Tzedek) and I made various publications concerning Rabbi Meir Kluwgant and his appointment as Principal of the Adass Israel School.
We hereby retract the comments made concerning Rabbi Kluwgant, and acknowledge that they were wrong, and not intended to convey that Rabbi Kluwgant is unfit to work in a school environment or around children.
Tzedek and I sincerely apologise to Rabbi Kluwgant for any hurt suffered by him, and any damage to his reputation that may have been caused by the publications.
Yours faithfully,
Danny Schwarz
Tzedek Incorporated”
J-Wire has approached Rabbi Kluwgant for a statement.
There are a number of organisations dedicated to exposing Jewish abuse and abusers. Not all of them perform due diligence. It’s vital to work with civil authorities, providing them with information and sources, to avoid vigilante accusations, which could jeopardise police and other lawful investigations.
It was inevitable there would have to be some backtracking in my opinion.
How fortunate there was always easy access unlike some other institutions where you had to get past the front line.