Anti-Semitism around the world

May 15, 2014 by Henry Benjamin
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The U.S. based Anti-Defamation League has surveyed antisemitism in 100 countries around the world…and Australia and New Zealand as a region have been  found to have the lowest rate globally.

adlThe survey made the following 11 statements on the basis that any person agreeing that at least six were true harboured antisemitic attitudes.

  1. Jews are more loyal to Israel than to the countries in which they live
  2. Jews have too much power in the business world
  3. Jews have too much power in international financial markets
  4. Jews don’t care about what happens to anyone but their own kind
  5. Jews have too much control over global affairs
  6. People hate Jews because of the way Jews behave
  7. Jews think they are better than other people
  8. Jews have too much control over the U.S. Government
  9. Jews have too much control over the global media
  10. Jews still talk too much about what happened to them in the Holocaust
  11. Jews are responsible for most of the world’s wars

The global result showed that 26% of those surveyed said that at least 6 of the 11 statements are “probably true”.

By region

Middle East and North America 74%

Eastern Europe  34%

Western Europe 24%

Sub-Sahara Africa 23%

Asia  22%

Americas  19%

Australia/New Zealand 14%

Given that the total population of the countries surveyed based on their recorded adult population 26% have antisemitic attitudes representing 1.09 billion people…and 35% of them have never heard of the Holocaust.

The most widely accepted stereotype is “Jews are more loyal to Israel than the country in which they live”.  45% of those surveyed in Western Europe hold this belief…the highest percentage. Australia and New Zealand ran second with 41% holding this view.

The survey showed that those over 65 tend to harbour anti-Jewish sentiments mores than those under that age…34% to 25%.

Anti-Semitism was also less prevalent in countries which have larger Jewish populations.

Australia and New Zealand fared well in Holocaust awareness findings with 93% of those surveyed responding positively  to having knowledge of the Shoah bettered only by Western Europe where the figure was 94%.

In Asia only 44% of those surveyed knew about the Holocaust, 38% in MENA [Middle East and North America] and only 24% in Sub-Sahara Africa. 61% of those older than 50 know of the Holocaust but only 48% of those under 35 know of it.

In Australia and New Zealand, 93% of those surveyed have heard of the Holocaust and of them 88% believe it has been described fairly by history.

Topping the list of  countries/regions with antisemitic views are the West Bank and Gaza with 93%. Iran was in 21st position with 56%.  In the Asian arena Malaysia was in 19th spot with 61% and South Korea toed 22nd position with 53%. Greece topped the European area with 69% tying with Turkey.

At the other end of the scale, Laos had the lowest rate of antisemitism at only 0.2% with Phillipines at 3%. Sweden was at 4% and the Netherlands 5%.  The UK  recorded 8% ahead of the United States at 9%.

Australia, Canada and New Zealand tied the 89th spot at 14%.

Findings from Australia are shown below. The survey in Australia was conducted from 7-25 August 2013, by telephone. 502 people were interviewed.

About the Survey/Methodology

The Anti-Defamation League commissioned First International Resources to research attitudes and opinions toward Jews in over 100 countries around the world. Fieldwork and data collection for this global public opinion project were conducted and coordinated by Anzalone Liszt Grove Research. All interviews were conducted between July 2013 and February 2014.

This study, known as the ADL GLOBAL 100, consists of surveys of the general public in each of the following 101 countries plus the Palestinian Territories in the West Bank & Gaza.

Findings from Australia are shown below. The survey in Australia was conducted from 7-25 August 2013, by telephone. 502 people were interviewed.

About the Survey/Methodology

The Anti-Defamation League commissioned First International Resources to research attitudes and opinions toward Jews in over 100 countries around the world. Fieldwork and data collection for this global public opinion project were conducted and coordinated by Anzalone Liszt Grove Research. All interviews were conducted between July 2013 and February 2014.

This study, known as the ADL GLOBAL 100, consists of surveys of the general public in each of the following 101 countries plus the Palestinian Territories in the West Bank & Gaza.

ADL survey questionnaire:



The Index


Percent responding “probably true” to 11 questions:

1. Jews are more loyal to Israel than to [this country/to the countries they live in] = 41%

2. Jews have too much power in the business world = 24%

3. Jews have too much power in international financial markets = 26%

4. Jews still talk too much about what happened to them in the Holocaust = 26%

5. Jews don’t care what happens to anyone but their own kind = 19%

6. Jews have too much control over global affairs = 15%

7. Jews have too much control over the United States government = 22%

8. Jews think they are better than other people = 20%

9. Jews have too much control over the global media = 15%

10. Jews are responsible for most of the world’s wars = 7%

11. People hate Jews because of the way Jews behave = 21%


Summary: 14% of Australians (ie 2,400,000 people), answered ‘probably true’ to a majority of the questions


Local Treatment of Jews


1. How would you describe the treatment of Jews in your country?

32%    Excellent

58%    Good

4%      Not so good

2%      Poor

4%      Don’t know (volunteered)


2. How often is there violence against Jews in your country?

1%      Very often

4%      Somewhat often

29%    Not that often

43%    Almost never

19%    Never

5%      Don’t know (volunteered)


3. How concerned are you about violence directed at Jews, Jewish symbols and Jewish institutions throughout your country?

10%    Very concerned

18%    Fairly concerned

27%    Fairly unconcerned

44%    Not concerned at all

2%      Don’t know (volunteered)


4. Do you think your government is doing enough to ensure the safety of its Jewish citizens, or do you think it is not doing enough to ensure the safety of its Jewish citizens?

85%    Doing enough

7%      Not doing enough

8%      Don’t know (volunteered)


5. In your opinion, is the violence directed against your country’s Jews a result of anti-Jewish feelings or a result of anti-Israel sentiment?

18%    Anti-Jewish feelings

42%    Anti-Israel sentiment

39%    Don’t know (volunteered)


6. How important do you think it is for the government to take a role in combating antisemitism in our country?

40%    Very important

34%    Somewhat important

14%    Not that important

8%      Not at all important

4%      Don’t know (volunteered)


Attitudes Toward Israel and Middle East


1. Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Israel?

71%    Favorable

24%    Unfavorable

5%      Can’t Rate

2. Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Palestine?

65%    Favorable

26%    Unfavorable

9%      Can’t Rate


3. Do actions taken by the State of Israel influence your opinions about Jews, or do they not influence your opinions about Jews?

9%      Major influence

14%    Minor influence

73%    Do not influence

4%      Don’t know (volunteered)


4. Would you say that the actions Israel takes generally give you a better opinion of Jews or a worse opinion of Jews? [ASKED ONLY OF THOSE WHO SAY THE ACTIONS OF ISRAEL INFLUENCE THEIR OPINIONS OF JEWS]

22%    Better

74%    Worse

4%      Don’t know (volunteered)

Jewish Population and Interaction with Jews

1. What percentage of your country’s population do you think is Jewish? That is, out of every one hundred people in your country, how many do you think are Jewish?

8%      Less than 1 percent / less than 1 out of 100

15%    1-2 percent / 1-2 out of 100

35%    2-10 percent / 2-10 out of 100

15%    10-20 percent / 10-20 out of 100

11%    More than 20 percent / More than 20 out of 100

16%    Don’t Know (volunteered)


2. What percentage of the world’s population do you think is Jewish? That is, out of every one hundred people in the world, how many do you think are Jewish?

11%    Less than 1 percent / less than 1 out of 100

12%    1-2 percent / 1-2 out of 100

25%    2-10 percent / 2-10 out of 100

15%    10-20 percent / 10-20 out of 100

22%    More than 20 percent / More than 20 out of 100

15%    Don’t Know (volunteered)


3. How often would you say you interact with Jewish people?

11%    Very often

17%    Somewhat often

44%    Not very often

2%      Have only done so once

2%      Don’t know (volunteered)

23%    Have not met a Jewish person


4. Where do you get most of your information about Jews?

36%    Television

3%      Radio

15%    Newspapers

16%    The internet

2%      From my religious leaders

20%    From other people

9%      Don’t Know (volunteered)

Attitude Toward Religious Groups


1. Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Jews?

78%    Favorable

14%    Unfavorable

8%      Can’t Rate


2. Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Muslims?

61%    Favorable

32%    Unfavorable

7%      Can’t Rate


3. Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Christians?

89%    Favorable

7%      Unfavorable

4%      Can’t Rate


4. Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Hindus?

74%    Favorable

15%    Unfavorable

11%    Can’t Rate


5. Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Buddhists?

80%    Favorable

11%    Unfavorable

9%      Can’t Rate


ADL survey questionnaire:




The Index


Percent responding “probably true” to 11 questions:


1. Jews are more loyal to Israel than to [this country/to the countries they live in] = 41%

2. Jews have too much power in the business world = 24%

3. Jews have too much power in international financial markets = 26%

4. Jews still talk too much about what happened to them in the Holocaust = 26%

5. Jews don’t care what happens to anyone but their own kind = 19%

6. Jews have too much control over global affairs = 15%

7. Jews have too much control over the United States government = 22%

8. Jews think they are better than other people = 20%

9. Jews have too much control over the global media = 15%

10. Jews are responsible for most of the world’s wars = 7%

11. People hate Jews because of the way Jews behave = 21%

Summary: 14% of Australians (ie 2,400,000 people), answered ‘probably true’ to a majority of the questions

Local Treatment of Jews


1. How would you describe the treatment of Jews in your country?

32%    Excellent

58%    Good

4%      Not so good

2%      Poor

4%      Don’t know (volunteered)


2. How often is there violence against Jews in your country?

1%      Very often

4%      Somewhat often

29%    Not that often

43%    Almost never

19%    Never

5%      Don’t know (volunteered)


3. How concerned are you about violence directed at Jews, Jewish symbols and Jewish institutions throughout your country?

10%    Very concerned

18%    Fairly concerned

27%    Fairly unconcerned

44%    Not concerned at all

2%      Don’t know (volunteered)


4. Do you think your government is doing enough to ensure the safety of its Jewish citizens, or do you think it is not doing enough to ensure the safety of its Jewish citizens?

85%    Doing enough

7%      Not doing enough

8%      Don’t know (volunteered)


5. In your opinion, is the violence directed against your country’s Jews a result of anti-Jewish feelings or a result of anti-Israel sentiment?

18%    Anti-Jewish feelings

42%    Anti-Israel sentiment

39%    Don’t know (volunteered)


6. How important do you think it is for the government to take a role in combating antisemitism in our country?

40%    Very important

34%    Somewhat important

14%    Not that important

8%      Not at all important

4%      Don’t know (volunteered)




Attitudes Toward Israel and Middle East


1. Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Israel?

71%    Favorable

24%    Unfavorable

5%      Can’t Rate


2. Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Palestine?

65%    Favorable

26%    Unfavorable

9%      Can’t Rate


3. Do actions taken by the State of Israel influence your opinions about Jews, or do they not influence your opinions about Jews?

9%      Major influence

14%    Minor influence

73%    Do not influence

4%      Don’t know (volunteered)


4. Would you say that the actions Israel takes generally give you a better opinion of Jews or a worse opinion of Jews? [ASKED ONLY OF THOSE WHO SAY THE ACTIONS OF ISRAEL INFLUENCE THEIR OPINIONS OF JEWS]

22%    Better

74%    Worse

4%      Don’t know (volunteered)

Jewish Population and Interaction with Jews

1. What percentage of your country’s population do you think is Jewish? That is, out of every one hundred people in your country, how many do you think are Jewish?

8%      Less than 1 percent / less than 1 out of 100

15%    1-2 percent / 1-2 out of 100

35%    2-10 percent / 2-10 out of 100

15%    10-20 percent / 10-20 out of 100

11%    More than 20 percent / More than 20 out of 100

16%    Don’t Know (volunteered)


2. What percentage of the world’s population do you think is Jewish? That is, out of every one hundred people in the world, how many do you think are Jewish?

11%    Less than 1 percent / less than 1 out of 100

12%    1-2 percent / 1-2 out of 100

25%    2-10 percent / 2-10 out of 100

15%    10-20 percent / 10-20 out of 100

22%    More than 20 percent / More than 20 out of 100

15%    Don’t Know (volunteered)

3. How often would you say you interact with Jewish people?

11%    Very often

17%    Somewhat often

44%    Not very often

2%      Have only done so once

2%      Don’t know (volunteered)

23%    Have not met a Jewish person


4. Where do you get most of your information about Jews?

36%    Television

3%      Radio

15%    Newspapers

16%    The internet

2%      From my religious leaders

20%    From other people

9%      Don’t Know (volunteered)


Attitude Toward Religious Groups


1. Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Jews?

78%    Favorable

14%    Unfavorable

8%      Can’t Rate


2. Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Muslims?

61%    Favorable

32%    Unfavorable

7%      Can’t Rate


3. Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Christians?

89%    Favorable

7%      Unfavorable

4%      Can’t Rate


4. Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Hindus?

74%    Favorable

15%    Unfavorable

11%    Can’t Rate


5. Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Buddhists?

80%    Favorable

11%    Unfavorable

9%      Can’t Rate


The survey was carried out between July 2013 and February 2014 with 53,100 interviews held with the interviewee being over 18. All were done at random.

Read the full report here


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