…and Iran too

December 16, 2018 by J-Wire Newsdesk
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The Zionist Federation of Australia and The Australia/Israel and Jewish Affairs Council have also welcomed Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison government’s reassessment of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action regarding Iran.

Jeremy Leibler

The prime minister outlined the reassessment in the same speech in which he announced the establishment of the trade and defence office in Jerusalem and accepting West Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

The Zionist Federation of Australia also welcomes the Government’s reassessment of its position regarding the  (JCPOA) that was implemented in 2015.

President of the  ZFA Jeremy Leibler said: “Unfortunately, the JCPOA has been spectacularly unsuccessful in limiting Iran’s nuclear ambitions, support for terrorist organisations and attempts to inflame violence in the Middle East. Although the Zionist Federation is disappointed the Government remains in formal support of the JCPOA, we welcome the decision to consider placing further autonomous sanctions on Iran in the future.

This as a principled and effective position that is more consistent with the policy of Australian’s most important ally and acknowledges Iran’s sponsorship of terrorism in the Middle East,” Mr Leibler said. Prime Minister Scott Morrison is correct in his assessment that ‘The UN General Assembly is now the place where Israel is bullied and where antisemitism in cloaked in the language about human rights.’ Mr Leibler described the Prime Minister’s announcement as “a welcome change from the UN General Assembly’s abysmal voting record. Since its inception, the UN has passed over >

500 resolutions that condemn Israel. Not one resolution has been passed to condemn terror organisation Hamas, including a failed vote just last week.”

“The ZFA appreciates the Prime Minister’s moral clarity in condemning the UN’s double standards and tacit approval of its terrorism when perpetrated against the State of Israel.

AIJAC also acknowledged the Government’s serious consideration on a revised policy toward Iran to address the disturbing realities that have become apparent since the implementation of the 2015 of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) nuclear deal.

Jeremy Jones

“It is essential that the world – Australia included – does more to contain the threat posed by an increasingly belligerent, expansionist and irresponsible Iran, the world’s most foremost state sponsor of terrorism,” Jeremy Jones, AIJAC’s Director of International and Community Affairs, said.

“Sadly, in the years since the signing of JCPOA, it has become clear that instead of moderating Iran, the agreement actually appears to have had the opposite effect, empowering Iran to increase its destabilisation efforts and promotion of violence across the Middle East.”

Dr Colin Rubenstein added: “AIJAC believes the JCPOA continues to be inadequate. Beyond the
questions concerning the inspection and verification mechanisms and its narrow scope that the Prime Minister mentions, even its supporters now admit this agreement merely delays Iran’s goal of acquiring nuclear weapons, thanks to sunset provisions that expire in 10 to 15 years. Yet we welcome the Prime Minister’s pledge to seek ‘to tighten the net’ against Iran’s destabilising activities in the Middle East, proliferation of ballistic missiles and technology, and its support for terrorist groups.”

“Joining international efforts to pressure Iran to curb its increasingly dangerous behaviour, as the Government has done, is both principled and firmly in Australia’s national interest,” he added.

“A stable Middle East serves Australia’s national interests by helping prevent the spread of terrorism, the proliferation of weapons and protecting the security of important trade routes.

“It has become very clear that bolder and more comprehensive policies have become urgently needed to address Iran’s growing efforts to destabilise its neighbours and the region in a way which put all these interests in jeopardy,” he concluded.


One Response to “…and Iran too”
  1. Eleonora Mostert says:

    Oops I bet God isn’t happy with this decision and splitting Jerusalem.

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