ADC concerned abut One Nation candidate
The Anti-Defamation Commission has expressed its deep concern about statements made by One Nation candidate Michelle Meyers that the LGBTI community is employing Nazi style tactics in their campaign for marriage equality.
The ADC’s president Dr. Dvir Abramovich, said: “I am increasingly concerned about the growing demonisation of the LGBTI community, and the outrageous claims by Michelle Meyers are profoundly insensitive and inappropriate.
No matter how strongly one opposes gay marriage, invoking Nazi terminology and analogies to demean those who advocate for its legalisation has no place in civil discourse.
I would remind Ms Meyers that gay and lesbian people were targeted and brutally murdered by Hitler’s evil regime, as part of its plan to systematically exterminate the Jewish people and others.
Her statements do a great disservice to the historical truth, trivialize the Holocaust and are an insult to the memory of the victims and the survivors. We hope Ms Meyers will reconsider her words in the future and will stop invoking such comparisons so as to make her case.”
“…Racism is no longer actual racism.”
Barnett and Herzog, you have short selective memories. The LGBTiq followers harassed hotel employees where the ACL intended having a meet regarding same-sex marriage and that is only one instance of countless harassments by the followers and the progressives, regarding the same-sex polarizing argument. Using words like racist and bigotry is overused, overrated clap-trap. You two, as well as The ADC’s president Dr. Dvir Abramovich, would do well in checking out the below article and then smell the roses.
To the uber Jewish alt -left and progressives everyone that doesn’t fit into their group think mentality is a racist and bigot. If you want the definition of rasists and bigots have read of the Koran specially that refers Jews to pigs apes and swine .
Look under your bed Henry there might be some rasists and bigots hiding there .
ADC criticism of Michelle Meyers use of he Nazi analogy is appropriate . However with limited funds, time and personal I wish the ADC would spend more of their time comcenering them selves with the real issues and the real threat to Jews that is of course Islam . I have yet to see the ADC use their wonderful 18 C legislation to take to court and prosecute any Islamic clerics speakers both local and visiting who have vilified Jews and or use Zionists as a way around of anti- Semitic vilification.
It is wonderful that the ADC are so protective of the human rights of LBGT, Gays and the Muslim community it would be great if they equally concentrated their efforts on the real problems for Jews and enough with their obsession with One nation who are on record of supporting Israel, Zionists and Jewish Human rights something that we will never see from the Greens and Labor left.
The real threat to humanity is intolerance.
Sick to death of hearing the word intolerance, it is only used against everyone who is not MUSLIM. They the hell are they here, they are the only ones INTOLERANT as they want to change every society to the Muslim Religion. Michael Barnett start screaming against MUSLIMS who are intolerant.
Ah Der: Finally the penny has dropped. One Nation is a racist party feeding on the fears and hate of the Australian public, and Jews on the right have sucked up to them thinking that will make them amuse.
A solid response. Thank you ADC for standing up to bigotry.
Whgat about the bigotry against Jews and Infidels??? You are discriminating against the whole world and put Muslims on a pedestool. As for feeding on the hate of the Australian Public… you got your wires badly crossed, It’s the Muslims who hate everyone.
Eleanor of course it is elements ( PC) in the Muslim community who are the champions of racism , bigotry , divisiveness against Jews , gays , LBGT , women and non Muslims .
The ADC need to admit the facts ,stop using moral equivalence and most important work out it is not possible to represent both the Muslim community and the Jewish community , there is a major conflict of interest.
The 500,000 strong and growing Muslim community can look aftr their own interests and don’t need he ADC constantly coming out with their dhimmi like statements supporting their interests .
Statements such as supporting the Islamic center in st kilda that many local Jews objected to or statements objecting to various overseas visiting politicians ( including Australian politicians )speakers etc that may not be critical of Jews but critical of elements in the Muslim community .
It is about time the ADC and other Jewish groups start to demand reciprocity from their Muslim counterparts and for them to come out with statements unequivocally condemning anti Semitism , or anti Zionism that is their cover for anti Semitism .