Actors reveal the effects of racial vilification

April 28, 2014 by Henry Benjamin
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The Australasian Union of Jewish Students has launched a video campaign on Yom HaShoah to test the reaction of bystanders to acts of racial vilification on university campuses.


The BYEstander campaign used actors to fake acts of vilification in front of unsuspecting students witnessing the incidents. The results were analysed and published on the video.

AUJS Political Affairs Director Matthew Lesh told J-Wire: “We have planned an extensive advertising campaign on Facebook as we want to get the message across to as many people as possible.”

The campaign was devised by 22-yr-old Rosa Zwier, the National Campaign Co-ordinator for AUJS. She told J-Wire: “We filmed the incidents using smartphones as the presence of a regular film crew would not have produced the effect we we were after. Many of the people who witnessed the “vilification” were emotionally affected…but not a single person joined us by contributing abuse. The results give me hope for the future but there’s always room for improvement.”


Watch the video…



One Response to “Actors reveal the effects of racial vilification”
  1. great video, but i would have liked to see more scenes of vilification and bullying and therefore the reaction of many more bye and bystanders

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