Abbas, PA & UN – perfect partners
For far too long the United Nations and its associated organisations have given Abbas and his terrorist supporting authority a free pass to pursue the most outrageous acts…writes Michael Kuttner.
The late unlamented chief terrorist, Arafat, was elevated to virtual sainthood by the international community. Awarding him the Nobel Peace Prize was the height of hypocrisy compounded by the participation of his fellow recipients, the late Shimon Peres and Yitzhak Rabin. Complicit in this disgusting farce of the century were all those Jewish groups and cheer leaders whose hallelujahs and hymns of praise heralded a false messiah spreading peace and goodwill. Long after the mask of deceit had been stripped away the illusions of a partner for peace still prevail with the very same delusionists engaged in anointing Abbas as a latter-day saint and his motley collection of disciples as paragons of democracy and tolerant enlightenment.
With such enthusiastic endorsement from intended victims of PA terror can one really blame the United Nations from following suit?
The Palestinian Arab kleptocracy thrives on adulation and benign support. That is how it has managed to milk billions of dollars from all and sundry and why after all these years there is nothing to show for it. Diverting funds and using what remains to pay terrorists and their families annual pensions as a reward for murdering Israelis is a preferred option rather than building the infrastructure for the State they profess to desire. The reason this continues is simple. The UN and donor nations would rather look the other way instead of insisting on strict accountability and cutting off funds.
The USA has taken this step and may go further. Australia has made a gesture but continues to send money to the UN for them to distribute which only means that one way or another it’s business as usual. The proof that this is so is borne out by the latest statement from Abbas that “pay for slay” pensions will continue even if the PA is down to its “last penny.” In other words the PA knows for certain that despite any reduction in aid from the USA and possibly Australia the rest of the international community will willingly take up the slack. All they have to do is employ a long proven method of blackmail, victim techniques and staged scenes of deprivation. Aided by the media this will generate additional avalanches of money from the EU and Scandinavia as well as from countries seeking to gain influence such as China. The flow of funds is guaranteed. Parliamentarians and others, either seduced by media disinformation or motivated by knee jerk antipathy towards Israel join the increased aid bandwagon while ignoring that terror tunnels and weapons are funded by these dollars.
Take the so-called refugees for example. UNRWA continually pleads poverty as the number of refugees multiplies to over five million. In fact a report still suppressed reveals that the actual number of genuine refugees is 20,000. This revelation has resulted in convulsive condemnation from the PA which has a vested interest in making sure that the numbers keep increasing and from UNRWA whose sole purpose is to perpetuate the refugees’ plight so that increasing money can be shlepped from donor nations.
The fact that this scandalous state of affairs continues is merely a reflection of the hypocrisy and double standards currently prevailing. Knowing that they can literally get away with murder unscathed the PA and Hamas have embarked on a campaign of physical terror and diplomatic warfare.
As balloons and condoms set fire to swathes of southern Israel without us responding in any meaningful way the Secretary General of the UN, oblivious to the irony of his words, proclaims “Israel must exercise restraint and avoid further INFLAMING the situation.” Naturally on hearing these admonitions those involved in terror take comfort and redouble their efforts.
It gets worse however. From 1 January 2019 the non-existent country of Palestine has been appointed to lead the largest bloc of developing nations at the UN. These 134 countries will be able to pass any sort of resolution which condemns Israel and the first indications of this are already in the pipeline. The Secretary General of the PLO Executive Committee has already announced that the PA is considering a UN General Assembly resolution to rescind Israel’s membership. Given the automatic anti Israel majority this is a foregone conclusion. The only reason that Abbas and friends can contemplate this diplomatic act of war is because they know that they can get away with it. Although many tremble at the prospect of being expelled from the corrupt UN those of us who are politically incorrect welcome it because it would give Israel the opportunity to finally take action. Declaring the UN persona non gratis would immediately free up much valuable real estate currently occupied by the UN. It would mean the departure of UNRWA and we could at long last wave farewell to the UN Human Rights Council and all other associated bodies. It would also save us millions of shekels in fees which we could use instead for the betterment of lives for all Israeli citizens.
Will this ever happen? Hardly likely if our politicians continue to remain hostages to fear of what the rest of the world will say.
Meanwhile our intended “peace partners” become ever more emboldened and with every passing day their chutzpah increases.
Following the recent dislodgement of a rock from the Kotel, PA clerics and spokespersons asserted that this was as a result of Israel’s nefarious plan to destroy the Al Aqsa Mosque. The spate of minor earthquakes occurring in the Galilee has been attributed to secret Israeli underground nuclear tests.
These modern-day versions of the medieval blood libels are shrugged off by most Israelis as the demented ranting of fetid ignorant minds. Nevertheless the poisonous lies circulate via the internet and seep into the consciousness of those who are always ready, willing and able to believe the worst about Jews and the Jewish State.
It is obvious that the partnership between our terrorist supporting neighbours and the UN is a marriage made in hell.
The sooner we wake up to it the better our prospects for decisively defeating them.
Michael Kuttner is a Jewish New Zealander who for many years was actively involved with various communal organisations connected to Judaism and Israel. He now lives in Israel and is J-Wire’s correspondent in the region.
I wish I knew What HaShem’s plans are.
Shabat Shalom.