Follow Melbourne video maker Henry Greener’s visit to Israel…
Arriving in Jerusalem on Yom Yerushalayim, Henry got a guided tour from his host Tzvi Hirsch and got to see the huge crowd waving flags everywhere, including at the Kotel Concert, to celebrate the holiest city on earth being liberated by the IDF in the 1967 Six Day War ! Ending with a video by Rav Doron Perez, entitled ” The US Embassy, Yom Yerushalayim and Truth ”
The US Embassy Opening in Jerusalem on Henry’s 2nd day was a mix of celebrations and demonstrations. He spoke with Israeli activist Ari Fuld, filming the activities where the press presence, police protection, Palestinian protestors and pro embassy placard holders were all part of the political mix. Micky Rosenfeld was there too, being interviewed about the situation in Gaza where many “peaceful Palestinian protestors” were shot while trying to violently infiltrate Israel’s southern border fence.
Capturing the colour and flavours of Mahene Yehuda Market with David Trakhtman, then filming the Siyum Sefer Torah celebrations with Chasidic music and fervent dancing at the Churva Square and Synagogue, where the newly completed and dedicated Torah scroll was proudly and delicately placed in the Ark.
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This documentary tells the story of a typical day in 1944 in the ‘death factory’ at Auschwitz from the viewpoint of victims – but it also allows insights into the mindset of the perpetrators. Read more