A unique Holocaust story of survival
September 27, 2018 by Leanne Shelton
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According to the Red Cross, there was only one family that survived the concentration camps and war as an intact family unit. This was Eddy Boas’ family of four.
Eddy Boas
On Wednesday 10 October 2018, Mr Boas, now an author, will be sharing his unique story told within his book, “I’m not a victim, I am a survivor”, at North Shore Temple Emanuel (NSTE).
As a special event for NSTE’s Boomers & Beyond Book Club, Mr Boas will talk about his journey as a child during World War II, through to his life in Australia where he arrived at age 14. His experiences of those early years and later events have created a challenging, moving and uplifting story.
Despite all challenges, Mr Boas moved beyond them with hard work, ingenuity, entrepreneurship and love to achieve happiness and success.
His story is truly an inspiring and moving one, filled with challenges, miracles, tragedies and uplifting moments.
Now Mr Boas is a loving, devoted grandfather who can truly say “I’m not a victim. I am a survivor.”
To hear about Mr Boas’ story, you are invited to join him at North Shore Temple Emanuel on Wednesday 10 October 2018 at 2pm in the Valerie Jaye Hall.
Members $12. Non-members $15. A light afternoon tea will be served.
Eddy’s book will be available for $30 and he is happy to offer autographs.
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