A Time to Speak and a Time for Silence … Writes Gil Solomon

July 24, 2014 by J-Wire
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As many know, I do not follow the standard etiquette which states that individuals, communal organisations and their leaders should remain silent and never criticise any Israeli comment or action especially in times of crisis.

Gil Solomon

Gil Solomon

Following the many vitriolic criticisms of my comments received from time to time, I can only answer my critics by saying that for world Jewry not to offer constructive criticism is a guarantee that the same mistakes are repeated time after time.

For Israel however, the time for both silence and action is now.
Silence calls for Israelis to cease both apologising and endlessly explaining why this latest war was thrust upon them.

Action calls for Israel to crush Hamas once and for all, not as Netanyahu stated recently to “restore quiet and security for the people of Israel for a significant period of time”.

This is the time for Israel to cease uttering that pathetic mantra: “Israel has the right to defend itself”. Of course every nation has that right, but by embassies and Israeli politicians endlessly stating the obvious, they appear to be pleading for the world to give permission for this right of self defence. No other nation on the face of the earth, especially one facing existential threats, carries on like this.

This is the time for Israel to cease all electricity supplies to Gaza from the Israeli grid and curtail water supplies where possible.

This is the time to shorten the time taken to locate tunnel entrance locations in Gaza by ensuring any terrorist captured alive be forced to disclose these locations. This is a war not a child’s game of “hide and seek”.

This is the time for Israel to prosecute this war with a ferocity never seen before to ensure that this war will not, like all others, end prematurely or inconclusively. This is not the time to even contemplate a ceasefire because world leaders and media demand it. This war must end when Israel says so and not before.

This is the time to demolish all UNRWA offices from whatever location for having allowed terrorists to hide weapons in their compound and then hand them over to the same terrorists who put them there in the first place. All UNRWA officials should be subsequently deported as persona non grata.

This is not the time to entertain foreign mediators who come only to arrange a ceasefire, thus ensuring that Israel will again be deprived of the unconditional surrender of a murderous and ruthless adversary.

This is not the time for Israel to agonise over civilian casualties, people who were warned repeatedly to evacuate certain areas. As these “innocent” civilians voted for Hamas, they have made their choice and must now bear the consequences for their actions. In short, they have made their bed and can now lie in it.

This is not the time for Israel to refrain from taking out known terrorists because they hide among civilians in homes, mosques, hospitals or schools. To not do what must be done, is for Israel to risk the lives of its soldiers.

To be sure, pious bleatings by world leaders urging Israel to avoid civilian casualties is a clear cut strategy designed to put pressure on the Jewish nation in order to deprive it of a necessary victory. It is anti Semitism at its best and Israel should wake up to this treachery and act in its own interests.

This is not the time to set up Israeli medical emergency centres in Gaza to treat the wounded amongst the enemy, civilian or not and is certainly not the time to send in buses with supplies for the benefit of the enemy. Resources and medical specialists should be there for Israeli use only.

In summary, not offering constructive criticism especially at this time will guarantee that the mistakes of the past will be repeated and the required results, that is, the unconditional surrender of the enemy will never be achieved.

Author Gil Solomon is a retired finance manager who takes an intense interest in current affairs impacting on the Jewish community.


5 Responses to “A Time to Speak and a Time for Silence … Writes Gil Solomon”
  1. Yes Gil, what you are advocating is total war. In a ‘Total War’ of course ‘civilians’ will be hurt, that is the nature of war. From the Islamist sides they already have total war against Israel and all Jews, so Israel has no need to declare any different. Yes, total war would finish the Gazan ‘conflict’ very quickly but it will be heavy on the conscience of all Jewry but what need to be done needs to be done and these are no real ‘civilians in Gaza as they all support the destruction of Israel no matter what their faction.

  2. Philip Drew says:

    How did this casual acceptance of the doctrine of generalised and collective punishment of the innocent along with the guilty become so entrenched? Mr. Solomon dismisses any notion of “innocence” of casualties on the grounds that, having being forewarned and not fled or having voted for Hamas, they become fair game.
    Does he really mean that those who choose to stay or have no means of escape are transformed into worthless animate objects devoid of any human rights or considerations. I’m not sure by what means a 10 year old child would have the means to flee or participate in an election that keeps Hamas to power. At what point, and for what reason, does that child’s death become inconsequential? At what point does our moral compass bend to a casual acceptance of torture as Mr. Solomon advocates.
    Mr. Solomon’s idea that a complete and unconditional surrender can be forced upon a ragbag collection of fanatical religious and/or political fanatics is laughable. Fanatics are driven by their unwavering sense of self righteousness. They care nothing for anyone who does not share their distorted views, not even their own people. Conflict is their chosen way of life and there are plenty more to take their place should they be defeated this time around. Conflict gives them self justification for existence. Without conflict they will lose their raison d’être and their strength.
    The idea that a final victory could be grasped if only the “gloves were taken off” and all human restraint were temporarily abandoned is morally repugnant and strategically absurd. We must never be seduced by the notion that we could strike a blow from which the enemy could never recover if only we dared to sink to their depths.
    Israel must defend itself and must engage Hamas but in its ascendancy it must never abandon the moral principles and the ancient ethical framework through which it derives its legitimacy. Civilian casualties are inevitable but let’s not crow about it or downplay its essential tragedy. Most of all let’s not blame the innocent for their demise.

  3. randy Rose says:

    Well said, Gil. Israel has always been prevented from defeating its enemies by do-gooders. I suspect it will again.

    • Rachel Ross says:

      Many good points made but giving humanitarian and medical help to our enemies has been an Israeli hallmark which distinguishes the Jews from all the other nations in the region. We can be proud of that fact, and also use it as leverage against our enemies in the UN, even if it may affect the final outcome of the war to some degree. It’s definitely a dilemma, as so many Israeli soldiers are being killed, which is heart wrenching.

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