A Rosh Hashanah message from the Leader of the Opposition -Anthony Albanese
On behalf of the Australian Labor Party, I wish all members of the Australian Jewish community a Shana Tova U’Metukah – a sweet and happy new year.
If anything, it is a wish that is even more powerfully heartfelt during this time of the pandemic.
Rosh Hashanah and the High Holy Days are a time for family and community, but the celebrations must be adapted for the challenging circumstances in which we find ourselves. Yet, even as physical distance comes between you and your loved ones, your emotional bonds will never be stretched.
The sound of the Shofar ushers in a new year and a fresh start for our Jewish community in Australia and the world. It is also a time of reflection and repentance, bringing with it an opportunity for all of us to look back across the old year and dedicate ourselves anew to making Australia better for all Australians.
I am deeply grateful to the Australian Jewish community for the contribution you have made to the success of our multicultural society. Just as you have helped make Australia the nation it is today, you will help shape Australia as we emerge from this crisis.
May this new year of 5781 bring you and your family naches and simchas, and may the Shofar sound extra loudly to usher in a year that will bring not only joy and success, but also recovery and renewal.