A roaring success

November 29, 2018 by Michelle Favero
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Sydney’s Emanuel School’s primary production of the Lion King Jr was a roaring success.

The main cast of Emanuel School’s production of The Lion King Jr Photo: Ofer Levy

Over 350 students from Years K-6 sang and danced their way through the 80-minute production, which was held over three nights. Parents, siblings and grandparents were tapping their toes as talented students sang the many well-known Lion King tunes.

Grandparents Leora and Eddie Ross sent a heartfelt “thank you” to the Primary team: “My husband and I attended the Lion King to see our four grandchildren perform. I wanted to tell you what a delightful evening it was and how superb the kids were. But most of all we’d like to acknowledge how wonderful it was to see that every performer was so happy and proud of their roles. It is a real tribute to Emanuel that every child, whatever their ability, was involved and that they could all enjoy the experience so wholeheartedly.”

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