A message from The Council of Orthodox Synagogues of Victoria

September 16, 2020 by J-Wire Newsdesk
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The Council of Orthodox Synagogues of Victoria is saddened that our Jewish community will not be able to celebrate the High Holidays in our Shules this year.

The current climate of our State is one that is not safe for our community to congregate in large gatherings, and while this is disappointing for many – the New Year is a time to reflect on what we have accomplished in the last year.

Through the difficult time of having our Shules close, our Shule Boards and Rabbis have been able to pivot to undertake shiurim, events and services through the use of technology like Zoom and updated websites – a task that the COSV as a communal body has also achieved.

We encourage you all to maintain your Shule memberships and respond with heartfelt generosity to any appeals our Shules launch this year. More then ever, we need to have healthy, thriving institutions to return to B”H in the near future.

Your support of your Shules is also a support to vital work the COSV undertakes through our Melbourne Eruv and Melbourne Beth Din.

If there are community members who do not align themselves with a Shule, a donation can be made directly to the COSV via our newly upgraded website www.cosv.org.au to assist in the stability of the Orthodox way of life in Melbourne.

Project High Holy Days have been working with the Victoria Police and DHHS to formulate a set of protocols that will allow members of our Jewish community to hear shofar on second day Rosh Hashana. This will allow members of the community to have the opportunity to fulfil the mitzvah and hear the shofar whilst remaining within their own properties. Details will be published this week via the Project High Holy Days website.

A Yasher Koach to all of the Rabbis and Shules who have adapted in this difficult period to continue the connection with their kehillot. The COSV is grateful for the work that they are doing so that when we get back to a future normal we still have these institutions to return to, with more love and devotion.

A Shana Tova U’Metukah to all of the Melbourne Jewish Community. May this New Year be filled with health and happiness for everyone.

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