A Guide to Caring for Jewish Patients
In an effort to ensure Jewish patients receive culturally sensitive care when they stay in hospital, the Jewish Community Council of Victoria, in partnership with Beit Rafael, has produced a brand-new booklet called A Guide to Caring for Jewish Patients.
This booklet, prepared with expert guidance from Rabbi Ian Goodhardt, will be distributed electronically and in printed format, to public and private hospitals around Melbourne’s south-east suburbs.
Many healthcare workers in these hospitals have not had significant interaction with Jewish people. The aim of the booklet is to provide them with a basic explanation of kashrut, Shabbat observance and the Jewish calendar.
The production of this booklet complements the JCCV’s growing Jewish Immersion Program. This program provides in-person cultural training for non-Jewish service providers who are engaging with Jewish patients or clients, including health and aged care workers.
“Beit Rafael is a remarkable organisation that supports Jewish patients and their families. I thank Rabbi Ian and Beit Rafael for partnering with the JCCV to prepare this important booklet,” Joshua Goodman, JCCV Community Engagement Manager, said.
“For patients and their families, hospital stays are a very stressful time. For many in our community, who are observant, there is an added complexity of trying to keep the laws of Shabbat, mark the Jewish holidays as best as possible, and of course, access kosher food,” Goodman said.
“If the JCCV and Beit Rafael can ease some of the anxiety by providing Jewish cultural guidance to nurses, allied health professionals and patient care staff, then that can only be a good thing.”
The JCCV and Beit Rafael will circulate the booklet to local hospitals, but community members are also encouraged to contact the JCCV for a free copy if they wish to provide it to their family member’s care team.
“One of the JCCV’s key values is to support a Jewish way of life, this booklet will allow those who care for our most vulnerable community members to do just that,” Goodman concluded.