A celebration to remember

June 25, 2019 by Michelle Favero
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Sydney’s Kornmehl Centre Emanuel Pre-School recently celebrated its 20thbirthday with over 120 special guests including the Kornmehl family, past and current parents and teachers.

Amber Langman, Year 11, finding her 2006 and 2007 pre-school class photo

Terry Aizen, Pre-School Director since 2005, honoured and remembered the late Paul Kornmehl, whose vision to build a pre-school came to fruition in 1999, as well as Paul’s daughter, the late Anita Kornmehl.

With the Kornmehl family’s continuing support, the Pre-School has grown in capacity and facilities. Terry Aizen shared: “Our program is busy and the children in our care are stimulated and challenged in all areas of their development. They are supported during their two years with us to reach their full potential and move onto Primary School as capable, confident and enthusiastic learners.

“It’s truly wonderful to see families returning again and again with their second, third and in some unique cases, even fourth child. This creates continuity, the building of deep and meaningful relationships and the cementing of strong foundations and friendships.”

Ashley Cohn, past Kornmehl Pre-School student who is now in Year 6 at Emanuel School, shared her memories with guests: “It was always a highlight for us to have our parents and grandparents visit and volunteer their time. Watching them cut up fruit in the mornings, help bake challot and hamantaschen, or lend a hand in the garden helped make Pre-School feel like home.”


Keeping it in the family, music was provided by 33 Degrees, a Jazz Trio, comprising Emanuel Alumni, two of whom are also Kornmehl Pre-School graduates.

Yvonne Krenzien, Paul Kornmehl’s daughter, reflected on the evening: “Dad would have been so chuffed and Anita so proud. The love and thought that went into the celebration were unparalleled in my experience. Dad’s vision was to not only to have a school to educate but his dream was to create a community that starts there and goes on forever. I think that Dad’s dream was realised.”

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